Our integrated and diverse product portfolio brings multiple benefits to the people helping stimulate social and economic growth. We make a positive contribution to the communities building a strong relationship driven by enduring values of Alive, Inclusive, Respectful.

Redefining customer experience

Operating in a dynamic and competitive business environment, we keep our customers at the heart of our business strategy. Our long-term strategy of ‘win customers for life’ strengthens our commitment to ensure a superior customer experience.

Spreading far and wide

Our extensive presence across the country with several retailers, channel partners and franchises provide a onestop solution for our diverse portfolio of services. Millions of customers across our businesses can have access thereof for their multiple needs.

1.09+ Mn



Feet on Street Executives


Franchise stores


Own retail stores


Channel Partners

Harnessing the power of partnerships to transform lives

IFFCO Kisan Sanchar Limited (IKSL)

Bharti Airtel is in active collaboration with nearly four million farmers to improve their productivity and income, using the power of telecom and modern technologies. Vital information like weather, commodity prices, agronomy and horticulture and government schemes is accessible online to farmers, to heighten their knowledge and take timely steps to increase yield and productivity. The IKSL initiative is a joint venture between Airtel and IFFCO that adds value to the agricultural sector by provision of timely, relevant and high-quality information and services leveraging mobile phones. Thus helping farmers take informed decisions leading to cost reduction and quality output, increase in income and better livelihood opportunities.

2+ Mn

Farmers benefited

1.56+ Lakhs

IFFCO Kisan Mobile App Active Users


plant covered under urban greens


States covered

Partnering with Government to drive development and e-Governance

At Airtel, we are partnering with government to enable digital empowerment, build trust and identify areas of cooperation to create value for a wider stakeholder community. In our endeavor to ensure inclusive growth, we have partnered with government to undertake a deeper responsibility to co-create value for the community at large. We joined hands with several state governments in India to facilitate and create advanced telecommunication services, aligning to the government’s vision of ‘Digital India’. Some of the projects undertaken were as follows:

  • High-Speed Network in Smart Cities
  • Telepresence Services for Rajasthan Government
  • Crime and Criminal Tracking Networks and Systems

Strengthening our partnerships with suppliers

At Airtel, how we treat our suppliers is also an important part of our long-term sustainable strategy. While we foster a culture of innovation and integrity in our internal operations, we put equal thrust on developing strong partnerships with our suppliers. Our strong sourcing policy describes a detailed approach to responsible procurement practices from suppliers who are aligned to sustainable business practices. Our right selection of key suppliers helps in shaping a sustainable future and creates value for our stakeholders.

Airtel’s ‘Partner World’, a one stop online portal for end-to-end partner management enables the suppliers to share information, interact/ collaborate, and ultimately form closer relationships with the company. The Annual Confluence, a partnership event, provides opportunities for our partners to interact with the top management and align towards achieving long-term goals of Airtel.

Our Investors

At Airtel we have a successful history of delivering value-creation backed by a steady financial performance. Amidst evolving industry scenario, we have been successful in meeting our financial targets. We continue to engage effectively with our investors through our investor relations team, providing all the information and updates, timely and responsibly. Our team conducts regular roadshows, conferences and presentations to further increase the awareness and information quotient to existing as well as potential stakeholders.


Investor complaints received and resolved in FY 2018-19

Our commitment to communities

Our business model is structured to capture the evolving stakeholder valuechain that brings benefit and sustainable development for all. Our socio-economic activities are purposefully curated to address the social and environment issues and ensure sustainable development.

nvestor complaints received and resolved in FY 2018-19

Active Participation by the Circle Offices

Our employees across various circle offices participate in several socialactivities as we believe they have a potential to make a difference to the future. Some of the initiatives undertaken by the circle offices team include:

Blood donation camps

Safety workshops

Distributing school bags and stationery

Life saving skills training

Share to care

ACT (A Caring Touch)

Disaster management

Bharti Foundation

Bharti Foundation, the philanthropic arm of Bharti Enterprises, drives our approach in building positive community relations. Through its various programs, we reach out to societies in rural India, empowering lives of the underprivileged through education with a focus on girl child and sanitation among others. Our programs have created a positive impact in the society:

Satya Bharti School Program

Satya Bharti Quality Support Program

Satya Bharti

Higher Education Programs