Wireless services

Bundled plans with unlimited voice packs
First to launch 4G in India
Postpaid plans
MyPlan - customized plans as per customer usage
Infinity - Options with unlimited benefits
Pocket - friendly data packs
Recognized as the smartphone network




Homes services

Attractive plans and offers
Highly reliable services
24/7 online support
Value-added services
‘V-Fiber’ technology
Up to 100 Mbps speed

Digital TV services

Android TV
Universal Remote
MyPlan Customized
Interactive services

Airtel Business

Diverse portfolio of services - voice, data, video, network integration, data centres, managed services, enterprise mobility applications and digital media
Strategically located submarine cables and satellite network
Global network running across 250,000 Rkms, covering 50 countries and 5 continents

Tower Infrastructure

One of the world’s largest passive infrastructure providers
Over 92,277 towers (including proportionate share of Indus)
Global network running across 250,000 Rkms, covering 50 countries and 5 continents

Revenue Mix FY 2018-19

Mobile Services

(India and South Asia)

Mobile Services



Digital TV

Airtel Business

Tower Infrastructure