We encourage the use of technological
support for initiatives related to
education and health. We believe that
aligning our CSR initiatives with our core
business is the best way to drive change.
As a corporate citizen working with
communities we take a step forward
during natural disasters or national
emergencies whenever required. Some
examples of our initiatives during the
year under review were:
Digital Education
Airtel Zambia held a ‘Girls in ICT Day’
by giving away material support as
well as holding talks with 100 girls
from rural schools on ICT (Information
and Communication Technology).
Airtel Zambia also donated assorted
educational books to the newly built
Kaunda Square Secondary School
library. Airtel Kenya, in partnership with
Computers for Schools Kenya and the
County government of Kisumu, launched
‘Free Internet for Schools Programme’
in Kisumu. The company partnered
with Junior Achievement (JA) Kenya
to launch a Students Empowerment
Program, where they hosted girls from
Kariobangi North Secondary School for
a day of learning during the 2018 Junior
Achievement Job Shadow Program.
Coderbus project
Airtel Madagascar, partnered with the
NGO Habaka/STEM4Good to provide
free digital education to children
through a project dubbed ‘Coderdojo
Madagascar’. Coderbus is a connected
bus with volunteer mentors who are
employees from Airtel and the NGO,
who provide free digital lessons to
young people all over the country. Airtel
provided laptops with connectivity to
all the students at Coderbus. Since
its inception, more than 3000 young
people, with 60% of the total being girls,
have been trained. These children are
now able to code and create their own
digital applications, games and websites.
Young people have been trained since inception of the program
Transforming primary education
Airtel Malawi supports the ‘Unlocking
Talent’ programme by zero rating
access to the ‘unlocking talent’ website
for all Airtel subscribers and by providing
free data connectivity, currently for 110
tablets, catering for 90,000 standard 1
and 2 learners from 14 schools, with a
plan to scale up to 310 tablets for over
225,000 learners from 22 schools by
the year 2023. The project focuses on
marginalised groups across all districts
in Malawi, learn maths and literacy
through apps installed on tablets, in
Learners expected to be benefited by 2023
Awareness campaigns
Spreading awareness
The Wazazi Nipendeni SMS Service
initiative, is a Public Private Partnership
model, led by the Tanzania Ministry
of Health (MoHCDGEC) that sends
(free) informative and carefully
timed, government approved, health
information and reminders to Tanzanians.
For example, visits to clinics, maternal
health and early childcare messages
nationwide were some of the topics
that were covered during the year. Airtel
supports the technical set up of the
service, zero rates the text messaging
and USSD communication. The program
engages 18 health organizations that
continue to implement the service
nationwide. To date, Airtel has sent and
received 34,756,635 messages to a
cumulative 510,123 Airtel subscribers
and zero rates the government e-Gov
USSD sessions for self-registration by
end-users. This has resulted in more than
4,000 registrations by on-the-ground
healthcare workers.
Cumulative informative messages sent
Supporting World Autism Walk
Airtel Zambia handed over T-shirts,
calendars and caps during the World
Autism walk, meant to raise funds for
children with autism in Zambia.