Airtel along with its networkinfrastructure partners is committed to re-invent and reduce the environmental footprint of their business and operations. We are also continuously in search of more energy efficient technologies and innovative solutions for a greener future. Our efforts are focused towards reducing our direct and indirect environmental impact. We have invested in innovative energy conservation technologies, resource optimisation and waste management by recycling waste and optimising resource utilisation. Over the years we are targeting towards eradicating use of fossil fuel in our network infrastructure and transitioning towards grid supply and renewable energy which have constantly shown an increase.

Through our persistent efforts, along with our network partners, we have been able to upgrade and convert the existing telecom towers into energy efficient towers. In addition to this it is our constant endeavor to maximize sourcing green energy from renewable sources through wheeling agreements for sourcing our power and in the process, reducing our carbon footprint.


Reduction in network emission intensity for mobile (carbon emissions per terabyte) from FY 2017-18


Reduction in CO2 emission per rack in our data centres from FY 2015-16

10,147.78 KL

Diesel saved since 2015-16 in our own mobile network infrastructure

~72,255 MWh

Renewable energy consumed in our operations

18 Tonnes

Paper recycled/reused in our facilities

939 MWh

Energy saved in our facilities

~6,399 Tonnes

Paper saved through e-bill initiatives since FY 2011-12


Reduction in diesel consumption in our operations in FY 2018-19 as compared to FY 2017-18


Solar-enabled towers by owned and partner sites till FY 2018-19

360.92 Mn

Sheets of paper saved through our acquisition of mobility customer


Increase in deployment of renewable energy in our own operations from FY 2014-15

Our climate change interventions

Network Infrastructure

  • Deployment of renewable energy solutions like solar, wind in our towers and Main Switching’ Centres (MSCs)
  • Auto shutdown in non peak hours
  • Low Power consuming BTS
  • Power factor correction
  • Real time energy monitoring
  • Hybrid battery bank solutions
  • Free Cooling Units (FCU) & Natural Cooling Units (NCU)
  • Deployment of shared sites
  • Conversion of indoor BTS to outdoor BTS
  • 71%

    Reduction in network emission intensity for mobile (carbon emissions per terabyte) from FY 2017-18

    7,678.58 KL

    Of diesel saved since FY 2017-18 in our own mobile network infrastructure

Data Centres

  • Excess load surrender
  • Equipment optimization and utilization
  • Cooling optimization
  • Cold Aisle Containment
  • Diesel usage optimization
  • Hot spot rectification
  • Power utilisation efficiency correction
  • Improved Power Usage Efficiency
  • ISO 14001:2015 implemented to enhance environmental performance
  • 7%

    Reduction in CO2 emission per rack from FY 2017-18


    5,000 MWh

    Energy saved in our data centres


  • Power factor correction
  • Energy efficient lighting and motion sensors
  • Photovoltaic Solutions
  • Facility consolidation and optimum space utilisation
  • Power purchasing agreements
  • Excess demand surrender
  • UPS optimization
  • Adiabatic cooling system to reduce power consumption of chiller
  • 4.8%

    Reduction in CO2 emission per square feet from FY 2017-18


    939 MWh

    Energy saved in our facilities

Exploring Green Energy Solutions

Airtel is working relentlessly along with its partners on expanding their green energy portfolio by embracing various technologies like solar energy, biomass, zero emission batteries etc.


71,157 MWh

Green energy procured in FY 2018-19 through various Power Wheeling agreements

Our Impact

We have made sustained efforts in the sphere of acquiring green energy, achieving efficiency, reducing demand and innovating for clean energy solutions. These are evident in the emission reduction we have managed to achieve over time. The graphs below show a comparative analysis of the emission levels for the last few years in our network infrastructure, facilities and our data centers. This will decline progressively with the adoption of newer, better technology making renewable energy more viable.


Reduction in network emission intensity for mobile (carbon emissions per terabyte) from FY 2017-18


Reduction in network emission intensity for mobile (carbon emissions per terabyte) from FY 2011-12

10,147.78 KL

Reduction in diesel consumption in our mobile network infrastructure from FY 2015-16


Reduction in diesel emissions from FY 2014-15


Reduction in Grid CO2 emissions per square feet in our facilities from FY 2017-18

52,588 MWh

Procured from renewable energy sources


Decrease in diesel consumption as compared to FY 2014-15


Reduction in CO2 emission per rack in our data centres from FY 2015-16

Resource and Waste Optimization

As a leading company in the telecommunication industry, we ensure that we make a positive impact through demonstration of environmental stewardship. This drives us to keep a sharp eye on our resource utilization, waste generation and its disposal. We have been able to considerably cut down on waste generation through deployment of innovative technologies to reduce waste at source. We have developed a systematic approach for resource optimization across our operations. Our effective waste management policies ensure segregation, reuse, refurbishment and recycling. We significantly reduced the total waste disposed from our operations in FY 2018-19 to 20.07 tonnes. All waste disposal is carried out as per the national rules and regulations. Apart from that, we also influence our partners and suppliers to reduce their environmental footprint and disclose the same publicly.

Moving towards a Greener Paperless Future

We have made significant strides in reducing paper consumption and thereby preventing paper waste through our initiatives on digitalisation of processes:

  • Encouraging electronic billing and online payment methods in place of physical copies of bills and receipts. In FY 2018-19, 142.4 Mn Ebills were sent to our customers. This led to saving of over 427 Mn sheets of paper, 82.7% increase since FY 2011-12.
  • Automated queue-managementbased printing solutions and automated intra-office approval processes to reduce paper consumption
  • Promoting recycling of used paper in our facilities. In FY 2018-19, 105.30 tonnes of paper was used, of which 17.1% was recycled through our partners.
  • Blue bins have been installed to maximize collection in offices.

Waste management

At Airtel, the e-waste generated from technology upgradation, capacity augmentation and others, is traced end-to-end, handled and recycled as per the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) guidelines Waste collected at the warehouse is segregated and dismantled further to be recycled and in some cases, recovered using chemical processes. The batch of waste is scavenged and swapped to revive working parts, ensuring reusability and inter-operability, hence,

minimising the waste generated. All the non-reusable hazardous waste including lead batteries are disposed through authorised recyclers, who have acquired requisite clearance from the Central/ State Pollution Control Boards. In past 5 years, almost more than 10,000 tonnes of e-waste generated was recycled. In addition over 4,168 tonnes of e-waste from IT and network infrastructure was responsibly recycled in the FY 2018-19 through our authorised partners. Over

4,168 tonnes

of e-waste from IT and Network Infrastructure was responsibly recycled in FY 2018-19

Responsible water management

Water management is not a material issue for us being a telecommunication services industry where water is used only in our facilities for domestic purposes. However various initiatives were undertaken last year to conserve and recycle water such as:

1. All our facilities are equipped to reduce water consumption and augment rainwater harvesting wherever feasible, as well as minimize waste generation, and maximize reuse and recycling.

2. We have installed efficient water fixtures, sensors and retrofitted water fixtures with aerators and float adjustments to reduce water volume utilization.

3. Sewage Treatment Plants (STPs) are installed in facilities for handling domestic waste water, which is recycled for use in HVAC cooling towers, washroom flushing and gardening.