At Bharti Airtel, we have thrived globally by building a culture of innovation and high performance. Exploring potential markets, adapting new technologies, entering strategic partnerships and launching new product offerings open up new possibilities but bring along with them potential risks and uncertainties.

At Airtel, the Board and leadership team have worked tirelessly to mitigate possible risks that bring along potential disruption in smooth business operations. This explains our creation of steady risk management that caters to strategic, legal, financial, operational and climate risks. We have a reliable practice to identify crucial risks across the group and map out germane action plans for mitigation.

At the Board Governance level,

the Risk Management Framework is evaluated frequently by the Company’s Risk Management Committee. An annual evaluation is also done by the Board of Directors. These apex reviews include: discussions on the management submissions on risks, Identifying crucial risks and approving relevant action plans to mitigate such risks on priority. The responsibility of assisting the Risk Management Committee on independent basis lies with the Internal Audit function armed with full status of risk assessments and management. Acquiring frequent updates on certain identified risks, depending upon the nature, quantum and the likely impact on the business is also the Risk Management Committee's job.

At the Management level,

respective CEOs for the Management Boards (AMB and Africa Exco) are

responsible for managing risks across their respective businesses, viz., India & South Asia, and Africa. The strategic risk registers capture the risks identified by the operating teams (Circles or Operating Companies) as well as the functional leadership teams at the national level. The AMB / Africa Exco ensure that the environment – both external and internal – is scanned for all possible risks. Internal Audit reports are also considered for the identification of key risks.

At the Operating level,

the Executive Committees (EC) of Circles in India international operations are entrusted with responsibilities of managing the risks at the ground level. Every EC has local representation from all functions, including many centrally driven functions like Finance, SCM, Legal & Regulatory besides customer facing functions, such as Customer Service, Sales & Distribution and Networks. It is the responsibility of the Circle CEO or Country MD to pull together various functions and partners to manage the risks. They are also responsible for identification of risks, and escalating it to the Centre for agreeing mitigation plans. Operating level risk assessments have been concluded at Function / OpCo risk assessment and mitigation plans agreed and kicked off.

Risk identification process

The key risks that may impact the Company are:

Nature of risk Business division impact Risk definition Outlook from last year

Regulatory and Political uncertainties

Legal & Compliance

Volatile and uncertainty in macro-
environment with geo-political tensions in
India, Sri Lanka and 14 African countries



Economic uncertainties


Business operations might be impacted with
instability in economies in our countries of
operations with factors like inflation,
capital controls and currency fluctuations



Poor network infrastructure


Risks in network infrastructure cost due to
technical failures, human errors and natural
disasters. Dynamic changes in IT landscape
require constant up-gradation of technologies.



Poor network infrastructure


Unprecedented disruption and unfair pricing
may lead to competition and may lead
to erosion of revenue with loss of customers.
Further the evolving customer expectations in
terms of quality, variety, features and pricing
pose threat to business sustainability.



Data loss prevention


URisk of data loss can lead to accidental
exposure of confidential information across
all endpoint devices.



Operating expenses

Operational / Strategic

Increase in business operating expenses
(new sites rollouts, capacity) and/or rate
increases (inflation, Fx impacts, wage hikes,
energy etc.).



Network experience


Telecom companies are required to invest in
innovation to match with changes in industrial
landscape to provide high quality customer
experience and meet the increased customer
demand for a stronger and better network



Internal control and processes


Any gaps in internal controls and / or process
compliances not only lead to wastages,
frauds and losses, but can also adversely
impact the Airtel brand.



Digitization and Innovations


Rapid technology evolution may impact the
business functionality and lead to slowdown
in business.



Climate change


Increasing carbon footprint is a serious
concern which raises questions on business
credibility and sustenance in the long-term
