There is no force equal to a woman determined to rise.

Leadership Messages

Airtel Ceo

I am delighted to read the power issue. Women at airtel truly power the workplace by their high levels of expertise, passion for excellence and commitment to deliver superior results. The women featured in this issue are not here by the fact that they happen to be women, it is because they are truly excellent professionals who have risen as a result of their talent & sheer hard work. I am sure women from all walks of life will find the stories of the women leaders of airtel very inspiring. Gopal Vittal MD & CEO (India & South Asia)

Airtel Ceo

To the question of what’s the business case for diversity in Airtel, one does not have to go too far. Just read the Power Issue and see for yourself real life examples of how women have set the performance bar high for the company through their unique skills and leadership abilities. As we go about “winning customers for life smartly”, I believe women have the unique ability to bring tremendous creativity, innovation and empathy that helps create a delightful customer experience. The sheer diversity of thought and ideation that women bring to the team is priceless to us as an organization. Srikanth Balachandran Global CHRO

Airtel Ceo

I have read the amazing stories in the Power Issue and must say that we are privileged to have such talented women in Airtel. The women Leaders featured are only a fraction of the many inspiring success stories we have at Airtel Africa. At Airtel, we are Alive to the challenges women face at work and are creating an environment that is Inclusive, giving equal opportunity to all and one that Respects the contribution and sacrifices our women make to ensure we meet company goals. We shall continue to invest in programs and exciting work which will enable our Women employees to realize their full potential as the leaders of today and tomorrow Happy Women’s day! Christian De Faria Executive Chairman, Airtel Africa

Power Issue- Airtel Stories

The Power Issue is a compendium of stories about the grit, determination and the never say die spirit of women leaders at Airtel. These stories bring to fore their wealth of wisdom with personal examples and practice of setting high standards, which will inspire professionals across generations, gender and industries alike.

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