Airtel Business receives Best Global Wholesale Company Award at Telecom Review Excellence Awards 2024

    Navigate network challenges with Airtel Global Connectivity infrastructure

    Our unique subsea and terrestrial network gives you unyielding reliability and limitless potential for your data. Choose the fastest, most secure path for your data by bypassing congested zones and unreliable land connections with our industry-leading route diversity.

    Leading telecom operators & OTT service providers trust us to chart optimal, risk-averse routes for their data

    • Bypass congested hubs and high-risk regions. Minimize latency for content delivery, ensuring a seamless user experience.
    • Reduce terrestrial dependencies, fostering continuity through robust failover mechanisms.
    connect global networks

    Every millisecond counts in the fast-paced world of trading, and Airtel Global Connectivity delivers

    • Establish direct access to top stock exchanges, significantly improving transaction processing speed and efficiency.
    • Reduce latency and accelerate trades, enabling faster order execution thereby outperforming competitors.
    global network connect

    Facilitate your enterprises growth in India with Airtel's comprehensive solutions

    • Leverage Airtel's extensive domestic network of 400,000+ route kilometers of terrestrial fiber.
    • Build a digital backbone on Nxtra's infrastructure, including 12+ large & 120+ edge data centers, ensuring optimal performance and scalability.
    global internet connectivity

    Innovate without borders: Collaborate seamlessly with global teams

    • We provide dedicated, high-speed, and secure links between your global locations, eliminating lag and data delays.
    • With investments in 34+ submarine cables, we connect teams across 50+ countries & 5 continents.
    global connectivity solutions

    Achieve lower network costs and simplify scalability with our partnership solutions

    • Our partnership encompasses consulting, design, operation management and restoration support.
    • Manage network reliability with end-to-end cable management support.
    global network connectivity solutions

    Exclusive features of Airtel Global network connectivity solutions

    • Assured Delivery

      Diverse cable paths

      Optimal paths bypassing congested hubs, high-risk regions and natural disaster-prone routes.

    • Near Zero Latency

      Strong infrastructure backbone

      34+ submarine cables, 4,00,000+ route kilometers of submarine fiber, 12+ large & 120+ edge data centers.

    • Transparent Analytics

      Smarter subsea cable routes

      Leveraging new submarine investments in 2Africa, Equiano, SMW6, SJC2.

    • SpamShield Platform

      Dynamic load balancing

      Don't let peak-hour data spikes slow you down. Dynamically balance traffic across your network.

    • SpamShield Platform

      High-speed secure connectivity

      Low latency cable routes to get your information safely and quickly to its destination.

    Impact delivered through Airtel Global internet connectivity

    • 35 TB

      capacity landing in India

    • 200+

      global MNC customers

    • 1200+

      global partnerships


    Connectivity products to transform your business

    Interested in partnering with us beyond borders?

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    1. Abkhazia Abkhazia
    2. Afghanistan Afghanistan
    3. ÅlandIslands.png ÅlandIslands.png
    4. Albania Albania
    5. Algeria Algeria
    6. American American Samoa
    7. Andorra Andorra
    8. Angola Angola
    9. Anguilla Anguilla
    10. Antiguaand Antiguaand Barbuda
    11. Argentina Argentina
    12. Armenia Armenia
    13. Aruba Aruba
    14. Ascension Ascension
    15. Australia Australia
    16. Australian Australian Antarctic Territory
    17. Australian Australian External Territories
    18. Austria Austria
    19. Azerbaijan Azerbaijan
    20. Bahamas Bahamas
    21. Bahrain Bahrain
    22. Bangladesh Bangladesh
    23. Barbados Barbados
    24. Barbuda Barbuda
    25. Belarus Belarus
    26. Belgium Belgium
    27. Belize Belize
    28. Benin Benin
    29. Bermuda Bermuda
    30. Bhutan Bhutan
    31. Bolivia Bolivia
    32. Bonaire Bonaire
    33. Bosniaand Bosniaand Herzegovina
    34. Botswana Botswana
    35. Brazil Brazil
    36. British British Indian Ocean Territory
    37. British British Virgin Islands
    38. Brunei Brunei Darussalam
    39. Bulgaria Bulgaria
    40. BurkinaFaso BurkinaFaso
    41. Burundi Burundi
    42. Cambodia Cambodia
    43. Cameroon Cameroon
    44. Canada Canada
    45. CapeVerde CapeVerde
    46. Caribbean Caribbean Netherlands
    47. CaymanIslands CaymanIslands
    48. Central Central African Republic
    49. Chad Chad
    50. ChathamIsland, ChathamIsland, NewZealand
    51. Chile Chile
    52. China China
    53. Christmas Christmas Island
    54. Cocos(Keeling) Cocos(Keeling) Islands
    55. Colombia Colombia
    56. Comoros Comoros
    57. Congo Congo
    58. Congo,theDemocraticRepublicofthe(Zaire) Congo,theDemocraticRepublicofthe(Zaire)
    59. CookIslands CookIslands
    60. CostaRica CostaRica
    61. IvoryCoast IvoryCoast
    62. Croatia Croatia
    63. Cuba Cuba
    64. GuantanamoBay,Cuba GuantanamoBay,Cuba
    65. Curaçao Curaçao
    66. Cyprus Cyprus
    67. CzechRepublic CzechRepublic
    68. Denmark Denmark
    69. DiegoGarcia DiegoGarcia
    70. Djibouti Djibouti
    71. Dominica Dominica
    72. Dominican Dominican Republic
    73. EastTimor EastTimor
    74. EasterIsland EasterIsland
    75. Ecuador Ecuador
    76. Egypt Egypt
    77. ElSalvador ElSalvador
    78. Equatorial Equatorial Guinea
    79. Eritrea Eritrea
    80. Estonia Estonia
    81. Ethiopia Ethiopia
    82. Falkland Falkland Islands
    83. Faroe Faroe Islands
    84. Fiji Fiji
    85. Finland Finland
    86. France France
    87. French French Antilles
    88. French French Guiana
    89. French French Polynesia
    90. Gabon Gabon
    91. Gambia Gambia
    92. Georgia Georgia
    93. Germany Germany
    94. Ghana Ghana
    95. Gibraltar Gibraltar
    96. Greece Greece
    97. Greenland Greenland
    98. Grenada Grenada
    99. Guadeloupe Guadeloupe
    100. Guam Guam
    101. Guatemala Guatemala
    102. Guernsey Guernsey
    103. Guinea Guinea
    104. Guinea-Bissau Guinea-Bissau
    105. Guyana Guyana
    106. Haiti Haiti
    107. Honduras Honduras
    108. HongKong HongKong
    109. Hungary Hungary
    110. Iceland Iceland
    111. India India
    112. Indonesia Indonesia
    113. Iran Iran
    114. Iraq Iraq
    115. Ireland Ireland
    116. IsleofMan IsleofMan
    117. Israel Israel
    118. Italy Italy
    119. Jamaica Jamaica
    120. JanMayen JanMayen
    121. Japan Japan
    122. Jersey Jersey
    123. Jordan Jordan
    124. Kazakhstan Kazakhstan
    125. Kenya Kenya
    126. Kiribati Kiribati
    127. Korea, Korea, North
    128. Korea, Korea, South
    129. Kosovo Kosovo
    130. Kuwait Kuwait
    131. Kyrgyzstan Kyrgyzstan
    132. Laos Laos
    133. Latvia Latvia
    134. Lebanon Lebanon
    135. Lesotho Lesotho
    136. Liberia Liberia
    137. Libya Libya
    138. Liechtenstein Liechtenstein
    139. Lithuania Lithuania
    140. Luxembourg Luxembourg
    141. Macau Macau
    142. Macedonia Macedonia
    143. Madagascar Madagascar
    144. Malawi Malawi
    145. Malaysia Malaysia
    146. Maldives Maldives
    147. Mali Mali
    148. Malta Malta
    149. Marshall Marshall Islands
    150. Martinique Martinique
    151. Mauritania Mauritania
    152. Mauritius Mauritius
    153. Mayotte Mayotte
    154. Mexico Mexico
    155. Micronesia, Micronesia, FederatedStatesof
    156. MidwayIsland, MidwayIsland, USA
    157. Moldova Moldova
    158. Monaco Monaco
    159. Mongolia Mongolia
    160. Montenegro Montenegro
    161. Montserrat Montserrat
    162. Morocco Morocco
    163. Mozambique Mozambique
    164. Myanmar Myanmar
    165. Nagorno-Karabakh Nagorno-Karabakh
    166. Namibia Namibia
    167. Nauru Nauru
    168. Nepal Nepal
    169. Netherlands Netherlands
    170. Nevis Nevis
    171. NewCaledonia NewCaledonia
    172. NewZealand NewZealand
    173. Nicaragua Nicaragua
    174. Niger Niger
    175. Nigeria Nigeria
    176. Niue Niue
    177. Norfolk Norfolk Island
    178. Northern Northern Cyprus
    179. Northern Northern Ireland
    180. Northern Northern Mariana Islands
    181. Norway Norway
    182. Oman Oman
    183. Pakistan Pakistan
    184. Palau Palau
    185. Palestine, Palestine, Stateof
    186. Panama Panama
    187. Papua Papua New Guinea
    188. Paraguay Paraguay
    189. Peru Peru
    190. Philippines Philippines
    191. Pitcairn Pitcairn Islands
    192. Poland Poland
    193. Portugal Portugal
    194. PuertoRico PuertoRico
    195. Qatar Qatar
    196. Réunion Réunion
    197. Romania Romania
    198. Russia Russia
    199. Rwanda Rwanda
    200. Saba Saba
    201. SaintBarthélemy SaintBarthélemy
    202. SaintHelena SaintHelena
    203. Saint Saint Kitts and Nevis
    204. SaintLucia SaintLucia
    205. SaintMartin(France) SaintMartin(France)
    206. Saint Saint Pierre and Miquelon
    207. Saint Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
    208. Samoa Samoa
    209. SanMarino SanMarino
    210. SãoToméandPríncipe SãoToméandPríncipe
    211. SaudiArabia SaudiArabia
    212. Senegal Senegal
    213. Serbia Serbia
    214. Seychelles Seychelles
    215. SierraLeone SierraLeone
    216. Singapore Singapore
    217. SintEustatius SintEustatius
    218. SintMaarten SintMaarten (Netherlands)
    219. Slovakia Slovakia
    220. Slovenia Slovenia
    221. SolomonIslands SolomonIslands
    222. Somalia Somalia
    223. SouthAfrica SouthAfrica
    224. South South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
    225. SouthOssetia SouthOssetia
    226. SouthSudan SouthSudan
    227. Spain Spain
    228. SriLanka SriLanka
    229. Sudan Sudan
    230. Suriname Suriname
    231. Svalbard Svalbard
    232. Swaziland Swaziland
    233. Sweden Sweden
    234. Switzerland Switzerland
    235. Syria Syria
    236. Taiwan Taiwan
    237. Tajikistan Tajikistan
    238. Tanzania Tanzania
    239. Thailand Thailand
    240. Togo Togo
    241. Tokelau Tokelau
    242. Tonga Tonga
    243. Transnistria Transnistria
    244. Trinidad Trinidad and Tobago
    245. Tristan Tristan da Cunha
    246. Tunisia Tunisia
    247. Turkey Turkey
    248. Turkmenistan Turkmenistan
    249. Turks Turks and Caicos Islands
    250. Tuvalu Tuvalu
    251. Uganda Uganda
    252. Ukraine Ukraine
    253. United United ArabEmirates
    254. United United Kingdom
    255. United United States
    256. Uruguay Uruguay
    257. US US Virgin Islands
    258. Uzbekistan Uzbekistan
    259. Vanuatu Vanuatu
    260. Venezuela Venezuela
    261. Vatican Vatican CityState(HolySee)
    262. Vietnam Vietnam
    263. WakeIsland, WakeIsland, USA
    264. Wallis Wallis and Futuna
    265. Yemen Yemen
    266. Zambia Zambia
    267. Zanzibar Zanzibar
    268. Zimbabwe Zimbabwe
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