Think of Airtel Secure Internet as a virtual shield for your company's digital ecosystem, ensuring that no unauthorized visitors, data breaches or disruptions can hinder your business operations. We provide just that removing the need to invest in hardware.
Installed on-premises with firewall, including anti-spam, intrusion prevention, and content filtering for complete protection.
Includes onsite installation, onsite support, change management, proactive monitoring of device health check-up, and comprehensive support from our Secure Intelligence Center.
2 Mbps to 1 Gbps speed of superior high-speed connectivity to enhance and power your network performance.
Partnership with leading network security players and with scrubbing centers worldwide, integrated with Airtel Gateway Routers.
Allows the flexibility to deploy an integrated solution that bundles enterprise-grade internet with firewall or DDOS appliances, which are pre-configured as per the bandwidth and appliance size.