The Aadhaar card has emerged as a very important piece of personal document today. And with a heavy penetration success ratio, it is quite often used as an official ID in multiple places. Now, the Indian Government has also notified that all users must have their phone numbers linked to their Aadhaar cards. This allows the Government to serve the citizens better and leads to better disbursal of multiple Central or State Government benefits. Therefore, if you have been receiving text messages asking you to get the Airtel Aadhaar linked to mobile number, then it is probably time that you should.
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Now, if you are thinking of getting your Airtel Aadhaar link online, then you might end up being disappointed. As of now, the process to link Airtel number with Aadhaar has not been activated. In fact, this online service is not yet enabled by any of the telecom operators here in India. However, you can still get the Airtel Aadhaar link quite easily. Want to know how to proceed? Keep reading!
How to link Aadhaar with Airtel mobile number for the first time?
Here are the steps on how to link Airtel mobile number with Aadhaar for the first time:
- You must visit your nearest Aadhaar service centre. If you do not know where it is, you can login to the Aadhaar self-service portal which will guide you to the nearest centre, based on your current location.
- Once you have reached the centre, you need to get the Aadhaar update or correction form from one of the officials present there. Alternatively, you can also download and fill it up previously from the Aadhar website.
- After the form has been filled, submit the document to the concerned person at the centre.
- Make sure that you mention on the form that you are only looking to update your phone number.
- You will also have to present additional documents alongside the form. A photocopy of your Aadhaar card, and a photocopy of your passport, PAN card or voter ID.
- Once the form has been submitted, there will be a biometric test scheduled for you. The biometric test verifies your identity based upon your thumb imprint.
- Post biometric verification, you will be provided with an acknowledgement slip by the authorities at the Aadhaar card centre. Ideally, it will take you 2 to 5 days for the whole process to complete. However, according to the UIDAI website, it may take up to 10 days.
How to get Airtel Aadhaar card link for a new mobile number?
If you have a new SIM card from Airtel, then you can get the Airtel number linked with Aadhaar card as well. The good news is you can now use the new Airtel Aadhaar link online, quite easily as well. Here are the steps that you will have to follow for the same:
- Remember, before you go ahead with this process, you will have to ensure that your previous number is already linked to Aadhaar. If not, then you can just follow the steps mentioned below.
- Firstly, go to the UIDAI website. It is the official Government website, so you need not worry about entering your personal data here.
- On the UIDAI website, you need to click on the tab that says ‘Aadhaar update’. You will be guided to the Aadhaar self-service portal.
- When you click on the update Aadhaar button, you will receive an OTP on your existing mobile number. Make sure that you enter it correctly.
- Thereafter, you will be taken to a new page where you can update your new SIM card
- On the new screen, there will be a section that says, ‘Select the fields you want to update’. From here, click on Phone number, and proceed as per the on-screen instructions.
Finally, your new phone number is updated to the Aadhaar card. You should note that in case you have done a SIM port from a different carrier to Airtel, then you need not go through the whole process of Airtel Aadhaar link. Why? The answer is simple – only linking your number to Aadhaar is important. It does not matter which mobile operator you are using.
Re-verify your Airtel Aadhaar card link
If you are someone who has a special challenge when it comes to verifying your Aadhaar card, Airtel will also help you with the same. For people such as senior citizens, physically challenged and even NRIs, we provide a special provision to get your Aadhaar card linked to your SIM card. For more information on how to proceed in such cases, you can visit the following link for further clarity:
Is linking my phone number with Aadhaar card necessary?
Well, some of you might think that it is quite a stretched-out process and may not wish to link their Airtel number with Aadhaar. However, you should know that this process has been directed to the Government by the honourable Supreme Court itself. Here are some reasons on why it is so important to link Aadhaar card with your SIM:
- It is quite important that mobile operators are able to verify your identity when you are getting a new SIM card. It is a welcome step which helps companies or security forces to weed out unwanted people such as terrorists, fraudsters, criminals and more.
- Many times, terrorists get new SIM cards issued by using fake names. By having a proper Aadhaar card system in place, the exact identity of a person can be found out.
India is a vast country, and its mobile penetration is massive. With more than 100 crore subscribers all over, it becomes a huge responsibility to maintain a proper identification record. Linking your Airtel number to the Aadhaar as a result is one step closer to ensuring that all of us are able to maximise the safety of our country. Therefore, if you haven’t updated your phone number details with Aadhaar yet, do not wait anymore, get it done as soon as you can!