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Autonomous vehicle technology

How 5G Networks Are Paving the Way for Autonomous Vehicles

The 5G revolution, since the introduction of the eponymous technology, has taken the world by storm. 5G indeed has the ability to power several complicated use cases. Hence, the number of places that it can find its application is practically endless. Also, thanks to its ability of providing high speed internet connection and enhanced security features, it has transformed several industries around the world already. One of those is the industry that deals with providing self-driving car technology to car manufacturers. This allows them to ensure that their products can drive on their own when needed.

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As we all know, up until just a few years ago, four-wheelers enabled with autonomous driving technology was something that was only a part of science fiction movies. Back then, every viewer thought that the cars capable of autonomous driving are still decades away at the very least. But today, thanks to high bandwidth services such as Airtel 5G, these vehicles are now a reality. They can be even seen driving themselves on our roads.

Also Read: An Encyclopaedia of 5G technology: What, Why and How?

So, how has 5G exactly paved the way for such kinds of vehicles? As we just mentioned, there are several methods. Some of those are the likes of superfast data processing, information prioritising and ultra-smooth functioning of the vehicle’s infotainment centre. This article will elaborate on some of the ways in which 5G has made autonomous driving vehicles a possibility. Read on to know more.

5G Ensures Reliability of Data Transmission

With 5G, there is almost zero latency. Loss of transmission of data when the autopilot technology of the car is in use, can result in a very serious accident. It is due to this reason that it is important for such cars to be able to transmit data over 5G. They are extremely reliable, and can be trusted to prevent any major on-road or off-road tragedy.

5G Helps With Early Detection Of Obstacles And Traffic

One of the key components of autonomous driving technology is safety. Given that 5G enables instantaneous communication between the vehicle and the servers it is supposed to interact with, it is possible for such vehicles to detect any obstruction early. Such a capability can safeguard the car as well as its owners from significant material and personal losses. An internet service of such a high bandwidth can also allow the autonomous vehicle to keep tabs on the traffic situation on any road in real time. This will come in handy to the car at the time of determining the fastest route between the passenger’s origin and destination point.

Keeps The Driver Informed About Any Possible On Road Hazards

The next item on the list of how 5G can aid vehicles that come with autonomous driving technology is the help it can provide to drivers who want to operate the car manually. The ultra-low latency that the 5G technology offers can also be useful to the driver if they want to operate the vehicle themselves. The high-speed bandwidth that the likes of, say Airtel 5G offers, enables the car to receive information regarding the road situation and then subsequently deliver the same to the driver instantaneously. Given that, on road mishaps can happen anytime and out of nowhere, having access to information that could prove to be instrumental in avoiding them is a must. So basically, in this manner as well, the vehicles that come installed with self-driving car technology can truly save lives if they are 5G-enabled.

Superfast Internet Connectivity For Infotainment Systems

As is well established by now, one of the main advantages of having 5G connectivity in any car that comes installed with autonomous driving technology is the superfast internet connectivity. Apart from the fact that 5G can provide real time information regarding traffic, any obstructions or accidents that have already happened instantly, it can also keep you entertained during your ride.

5G allows you to stream your favourite shows and movies on the vehicle’s infotainment system if you are stuck in traffic for a long period of time. Additionally, you can even listen to your favourite music or catch up on that podcast episode that has been on your list for long without having to worry about its buffering. As if that was not enough, if you can get a little creative, you could perhaps even attend or conduct crucial work meetings from the comfort of your car itself, in case you are running late for the same.

Also Read: How to enable 5G network APN Settings on your mobile phone?

To Sum It Up

Thanks to all the obvious and not-so-obvious benefits of 5G connectivity, car manufacturers can ensure that their vehicles which come with autopilot technology function more efficiently and stay ahead of the curve, amongst other things. These factors will ensure the safety of such vehicles and entice people to adopt cars with driverless car technology faster than ever. In India, our Airtel is helping to pave the way for vehicles that are capable of driving themselves, so that the citizens of the country can invest their energy in matters that are more important.

So, quickly get yourself an Airtel 5G connection if you haven’t yet experienced high speed internet.
