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5G vs 4G

Decoding the key differences between 5G and 4G networks

The hype for 5G network is becoming humongous with 60 countries worldwide working to employ it. A remarkable advancement in the world of the internet, 5G is the need of the hour. The pandemic has pushed everyone inside their homes. The only way to stay connected and keep the show live is online. Businesses are working tirelessly to adapt to the new normal and build workflows which match the remote work setup. Colleges and schools are focusing more on online classes and exploring ways to keep the students engaged without a live classroom setup. Therefore, the market indicates a need for a network which offers more speed and has better capacity than 4G. 5G is the answer indeed.

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Although let’s not totally undermine the wonders 4G opened for us in terms of mobile broadband and connectivity. People choose fast 4G sim still to get their daily digital work done. It was the 4G era of internet that just boosted the digital world and made it integral for every aspect of our lives. With the population of India still waiting for the launch and implementation of 5G, the 4G network is here to bear the burden of connectivity in this digital world.

Let’s dig deeper to understand some of the key differences between 5G and 4G networks.


The 2000s were dominated by the 3G network. Then came the better version, 4G with better speed and the possibility of mobile broadband. Repeating history yet again, 5G is a better version of 4G when it comes to speed. According to tests by experts, 4G is concluded to reach up to the speed of 100 Mbps. In the real setting, the 4G speed usually touches 35 Mbps.

It is stated that 5G will be 20-30 times faster than 4G. Hence, you will now be able to download HD movies, 4K videos in just a few mere seconds. In addition, there won’t be any lag anymore either. Video calls, online gaming, 4K videos – you will see a dramatic improvement in all these.


Bandwidth is the maximum rate of data which can be transferred by a path in a given amount of time. When we talk about 4G and 5G, there is a lot of difference between the bandwidth offered by each network technology.

Airtel 5G makes use of the network slicing technology. As a result, you will get a flawless experience while playing games or doing high data consuming activities.


Latency measures the time taken to transfer a packet of data between two given points. It is the time taken to display results for an entered query. Currently, 4G has a latency of 50 milliseconds. 5G offers a better number of 1 ms.

Lesser the latency, faster the work. Latency of 1 ms can help various industries which rely on real time decisions like navigation related applications, etc. Online gamers will also enjoy this 5G feature.


Airtel is ready to launch its 5G services in India by October 22. By the month of December, you will be able to experience Airtel’s incredible 5G internet speeds across all of India’s metro cities. On top of that, Airtel 5G internet speeds will be available across all of the Major Indian cities by the end of 2023.
