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How to Stop Ads When Playing Games on iPhone

How to Stop Ads When Playing Games on iPhone?

Playing games can be a thrilling experience for us and smartphone games these days have become extremely competitive and bring a lot of people together. Games come in various forms- online games, board games, some can be used as a means to earn rewards points or money. It could be with our friends, family or just playing alone with the app system. The goal is always to get entertainment and instant gratification from winning all the levels. 

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While we are trying to beat our best score, a common occurrence happens, we’re deeply engrossed in our favourite iPhone game when suddenly, an annoying ad pops up, completely disrupting our flow. While these ads serve as a revenue source for free games, they can drastically affect our gaming experience. So, how can we stop ads on iPhone games? This guide offers several effective solutions to remove ads from iPhone games and ensure a smoother, uninterrupted gaming experience. 

Understanding Mobile Advertising in GamesStop Ads When Playing Games

Before we delve into the solutions, it’s vital to understand why we see ads in games. The primary reason is monetisation. Developers earn revenue through in-app advertisements, ensuring that most games remain free. However, the good news is there are ways to block ads on iPhone games without depriving developers of their income.

If one wants to play games 24/7 on their phones then there are two things we need, either a good Wi-Fi connection that supports our gaming endeavours without any glitches or a strong prepaid connection with unlimited add-on data packs so we don’t have to stop our game just because our data pack got over. For all these needs, Airtel provides the best of all the services to keep our gaming on track. 

Turning on Airplane Mode to Stop Ads

One simple method to stop pop-up ads on iPhone games is to turn on the airplane mode. This method works because most ads require an internet connection to load. However, this might restrict functionalities in games that require an internet connection.

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Using Ad-Blocker Apps for iPhone 

Ad-blocker apps are another effective way to disable ads in iPhone games. They are specially designed to block different types of ads in games and apps. Some popular ad-blocker apps on the iOS App Store include AdGuard, 1Blocker, and Crystal.

Purchasing Ad-Free Versions of Games

Many games offer ad-free versions at a small cost. By purchasing these versions, we not only stop ads from interrupting our game but also support the developers. 

Turning off Mobile Data for Specific Games

We can selectively prevent ads in iPhone games by switching off mobile data for specific games. To do this, navigate to iPhone settings, select the game from the app list and turn off the mobile data. However, this only works for games that don’t require an internet connection.

Resetting Advertisement Identifier on iPhone

Resetting the advertisement identifier on our iPhones can also help turn off ads on iPhone games. This process makes our device appear new to advertisers, thus reducing the number of targeted ads. However, it doesn’t eliminate ads completely. 

Limiting Ad Tracking in iPhone’s Privacy Settings

In the iPhone’s privacy settings, there’s an option to limit ad tracking. This prevents advertisers from serving targeted ads based on our data. Although it doesn’t remove ads completely, it can reduce the number of ads we encounter.

Reporting Problematic Ads to Apple

If we come across invasive or inappropriate ads, reporting them to Apple can help. Apple has strict guidelines for advertisers and reporting problematic ads aids in maintaining a safe and comfortable gaming environment.

Conclusion: Playing Games Without Interruptions

Dealing with disruptive ads can be frustrating, but with these methods, we can effectively stop ads on iPhone games and enjoy an improved gaming experience. Remember, patience is key as it might take trial and error to find the best solution. So, let’s reclaim our gaming time and say goodbye to annoying ads! 

Remember, our choice to block ads should consider the effects on developers who rely on ad revenue. Where possible, supporting them through in-app purchases or ad-free versions can ensure they continue creating the games we love.
