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How to check if your phone has virus

How to check if your phone has virus?

It is scary and at times frustrating if your phone gets virus. This makes your data and personal information vulnerable. A frequent misunderstanding is that only computers may become infected with viruses like spyware, adware, and other sorts of malware. Ransomware is one sort of cybersecurity threat that is on the increase. It installs a virus that renders data or a whole device inaccessible until the victim pays a ransom. While this type of attack is uncommon on mobile devices, it does occur from time to time. Let’s read more about mobile virus and ways to remove it from your phone.

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How to check if your phone has virus?

Here are a few ways to check if your phone has a virus-

  • The battery discharges faster than intended.
  • Your phone has apps that you don’t recall downloading.
  • Unexplained data use happens.
  • There is plenty of pop-up advertising.
  • Your phone operates too slowly.
  • Higher phone bills arrive.
  • Applications take longer to load.

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How can you tell if your phone has a virus or malware?

Here are few points to note to know if your phone has a virus or malware-

Amount of data used

Check how much data is being used. Some viruses might force applications on your phone to consume more data than they should. Therefore, you should keep an eye out for any unexpected variations in how much data each app uses over time! It is critical not to overlook this one since it might result in substantial charges from your carrier if left unchecked.

Decrease in battery life

You may also notice that the battery life has considerably decreased. A gadget infected with a virus or malware can deplete the battery faster than normal. If your phone’s battery is draining quickly then there is a significant likelihood that something is wrong.

Poor phone performance

Check your phone’s performance. If your phone suddenly feels slow to respond, it might be due to a virus. You may also notice that apps take longer to launch or that the screen freezes more frequently than normal, indicating that something is wrong.

Abnormal performance of the phone

Look for unexpected performance of the phone. Another way to detect whether your phone has been infected is to look at how it acts when you use it. If you notice it behaving poorly and apps taking longer than normal to start, this might also be an indication of an issue.

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How to check if your phone has virus 2 (002)


Appearance of alien apps

When you install a new program from an untrusted source, such as the internet or an unknown website, you may encounter unexpected apps or features. If you don’t recall installing anything like this, look for any unusual features in the settings menu on your device. If it is installed without your knowledge or consent, it could indicate malicious behaviour occurring without your knowledge.

How are malware and viruses different?

A lot of times you may think that malware and viruses are the same. But that’s not the case. Malware is any software that is intended to damage or corrupt your device in some way, such as stealing personal information from your phone or installing unwanted apps. Viruses are specialised kinds of malware that damage data on infected devices to grow further. Malware also includes spyware, adware, and ransomware.

How does malware or virus get onto your phone?

Malware or virus can easily get into your phone in either of the following ways-

  • Plugging USB drives into your phone makes it easy for virus to infect mobile devices.
  • Downloading software from untrustworthy sources. 
  • Open SMS messages from strangers.
  • Using social media platforms like Facebook or Twitter, where it is disguised within a downloaded picture or video.
  • Open email attachments from unknown senders.
  • Visiting websites that have been infiltrated by hackers, even if only once, may result in your phone getting infected.

How to remove malware or virus from your Android?

Now that we know the ways your phone might get infected with a virus or malware, let’s see the ways to remove the same. Here are a few ways to remove malware or virus from Android-

Restore the operating system

Reinstalling the operating system will delete all of your data from your phone or tablet. So, back up any data that’s on there first.

Shut down and restart

Sometimes simply turning off and rebooting is enough to resolve issues—it’s a simple approach to disconnect power from any hardware components that may be contaminated with malware or other infections.

Virus scanning app

These applications will check your device for harmful files and provide advice on how to remove them if they find anything suspicious.

Factory setting

Use a factory reset or a bootable antivirus program. If none of the above options work or fail to repair the issue that created your troubles in the first place you can reset your phone or tablet to its original state. If this does not work, consider using a bootable antivirus program.


Virus infection often results in illegal conduct, such as identity theft and credit card fraud. Removing mobile virus provides a simple answer to this potentially harmful situation. A self-replicating virus is unlikely to infect an Android smartphone due to the operating system’s security mechanisms and data management procedures. However, Android smartphones are vulnerable to other new dangers. Therefore, it is your duty to check your phone and protect it from getting virus or malware attack.
