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Reasons for Student Loan Application Rejection in India

Pursuing higher education, whether in India or abroad, often requires substantial financial resources. To bridge this gap, many students turn towards education loans to fulfil their dreams for tomorrow. Unfortunately, not all of these dreams come true. In fact, student loan application rejections might just be even more common than you had previously thought. 


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Here are some common factors that can lead to the rejection of a student loan application in India.

Academic performance requirements

Academic performance is a crucial criterion for loan approval. Banks and financial institutions consider the applicant’s academic history and the reputation of the institution they are planning to attend. Poor academic records, such as low grades or repeated failures, can signal a higher risk to lenders, leading to rejection.

Weak financial history of the co-applicant for education loan

In India, student loans often require a co-applicant, usually a parent or guardian, who can assure the repayment of the loan. If the co-applicant has a weak financial background, such as a low credit score, unstable income, or significant existing debt, the loan application is likely to be rejected. Lenders need assurance that the co-applicant can support the repayment if the student is unable to do so.


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Inadequate collateral for education loan

For higher loan amounts, lenders typically require collateral, such as property, fixed deposits, or other substantial assets. If the applicant cannot provide adequate collateral to cover the loan amount, the application may be rejected. This is particularly relevant for students seeking loans for international education, which often involves larger sums as loans.

Courses and institutions 

Not all courses and institutions are eligible for student loans. Banks have a list of recognized institutions and approved courses that they are willing to finance. Applications for loans to attend non-recognized institutions or unapproved courses are often rejected. Lenders usually prefer institutions with a good track record of academic excellence and job placements.

Insufficient documents for education loan

A common reason for loan rejection is incomplete or improper documentation. Lenders require various documents, including admission letters, fee structure details, academic records, income proof of the co-applicant, and collateral documents if applicable. Missing or incorrect documentation can lead to delays and eventual rejection of the loan application.

Do not provide inaccurate information

Providing inaccurate or inconsistent information on the loan application form can lead to rejection. Lenders verify the details provided in the application, and any discrepancies can raise red flags. It’s essential to ensure that all information is accurate and consistent with the supporting documents.





Read more: How to get a credit card for students?

Income of the co-applicant

The income of the co-applicant is scrutinised to ensure they can support the loan repayment. If the co-applicant’s income is insufficient to cover the loan EMI along with other financial obligations, the loan application is likely to be rejected. Lenders require assurance that the co-applicant has a stable and adequate income source.

Lack of job prospects after education

Lenders assess the potential job prospects and earning capacity of the student after completing their education. Courses with low employment rates or institutions with poor placement records can be a cause for rejection. Banks prefer financing courses that have a high likelihood of leading to employment and stable income.

Geopolitical factors while applying for an education loan

For students planning to study abroad, geopolitical factors can influence loan approval. Banks may be hesitant to approve loans for countries with political instability, stringent visa regulations, or economic uncertainties. These factors can affect the student’s ability to complete their education and secure employment, increasing the risk for lenders.


Securing a student loan in India can be quite difficult, especially if you do not meet the bank or financial lender’s requirements, documents and more. To ensure that you get your education loan approved, it is important to take a step back and assess whether you have all the bases covered. 


Remember the factors mentioned above in this blog and ensure you create a proper plan on how to apply for the education loan. Additionally, having a proper repayment plan can also improve your chances of getting the education loan approved. 


We hope this blog helps you get an education loan easily, without any extra hiccups coming on the path of your dreams. We wish you all the best and a very successful career in the future.

n application rejection in India
