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  5. Is It A Good Idea To Pre-Close A Personal Loan?

Is It A Good Idea To Pre-Close A Personal Loan?

Pre-closing a personal loan means paying off the loan before the end of its tenure. This can save you from paying extra interest, but it may also come with certain penalties. Whether pre-closing a personal loan is a good idea depends on several factors. This article will explain the benefits and drawbacks of pre-closing a personal loan, with an example of Airtel personal loans, to help you make an informed decision.

Understanding Pre-Closing a Personal Loan

Pre-closing a personal loan means repaying the entire outstanding loan amount before the scheduled end date of the loan. This can be done either in full or partially, depending on the lender’s terms.

Benefits of Pre-Closing a Personal Loan

1. Save on Interest Payments

One of the biggest advantages of pre-closing a personal loan is that it can save you a lot of money on interest. When you repay your loan early, you reduce the amount of time the lender can charge you interest, which can significantly lower the total cost of the loan.

2. Improve Your Credit Score

Paying off a loan early can have a positive impact on your credit score. It shows lenders that you are responsible for your finances, which increases your eligibility for future loans or credit.

3. Free Up Monthly Income

By pre-closing your loan, you can free up the money that would otherwise go towards monthly payments. This can give you more flexibility with your finances and allow you to use your income for other important expenses or investments.

Drawbacks of Pre-Closing a Personal Loan

1. Prepayment Penalties

Some lenders charge a penalty for pre-closing a loan. This is known as a prepayment penalty, and it can reduce the financial benefits of paying off your loan early. It’s important to check your loan agreement to understand any penalties that may apply.

2. Loss of Tax Benefits

In some cases, personal loans may offer tax benefits, especially if the loan is used for specific purposes like home renovation or education. By pre-closing the loan, you may lose out on these tax benefits.

3. Opportunity Cost

Using a large sum of money to pre-close a loan means you won’t be able to use that money for other investments or opportunities that could potentially offer higher returns.

Also Read: Impact of GST on Loan

Example: Airtel Personal Loan

Airtel offers instant loans to its customers, which can be a quick and easy way to access funds when needed. To pre-close an Airtel personal loan, you need to consider the loan eligibility, the documents required, and any prepayment penalties that might apply. Airtel loans are usually flexible, but it’s important to read the terms and conditions carefully before deciding to pre-close.

When Should You Pre-Close a Personal Loan?

●     When Interest Rates are High

●     When You Have Extra Funds

●     When Your Financial Situation Changes


Pre-closing a personal loan can be a smart financial move if done correctly. It can save you money on interest, improve your credit score, and give you more financial freedom. However, it’s essential to consider any prepayment penalties and other factors before making this decision.

Also Read: How to get loans against a PPF (Public Provident Fund)


  1. Can I pre-close any personal loan?

Yes, most personal loans can be pre-closed, but you need to check the terms and conditions for any prepayment penalties or requirements.

  1. What documents are needed to pre-close a personal loan?

Usually, you need to provide an ID proof, loan account number, and possibly a pre-closure form provided by your lender.

  1. Is there a minimum tenure for pre-closing a personal loan?

Some lenders may require you to pay off a certain number of EMIs before you can pre-close the loan. Check your loan agreement for details.

  1. Does pre-closing a loan affect my credit score?

Yes, pre-closing a loan can positively affect your credit score, as it shows you have managed your debt responsibly.

  1. Are there any charges for pre-closing an Airtel personal loan?

It’s best to check the specific terms of your Airtel personal loan agreement, as charges can vary.
