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Get a Personal Loan Without Security

Personal loans are a lifeline for many people who are looking for funds for various purposes such as medical emergencies, education, home renovations, or even vacations. One of the most appealing aspects of personal loans is that they often do not require any collateral, and this is what makes them accessible to a wide range of individuals. In this article, let’s understand what is a personal loan without security, how to get a personal loan without security, highlight the benefits, etc. You would also understand how you can avail an Airtel personal loan in easy and simple steps.

What is a Personal Loan Without Security?


A personal loan without security, also known as an unsecured personal loan, is a type of loan that doesn’t require the borrower to provide any collateral. In other words, it is simply lending without collateral.

Collateral is an asset like a house or a car that the lender can take if the borrower fails to repay the loan. In the case of an unsecured loan, the lender relies on the borrower’s credit history and score and ability to repay the loan.


  • You don’t need to provide any assets, which means you do not have any risk of losing your property if you fail to repay the loan.
  • Since there is no need for collateral, the approval process is usually faster.
  • The funds from a personal loan can be used for various purposes, thereby, giving you flexibility in how you spend the money.

Eligibility Criteria

Credit Score

Your credit score is quite important for getting approved for an unsecured personal loan, whether you are applying for an Airtel personal loan or any other loan. Lenders use your credit score to assess your creditworthiness. A higher credit score means that you are a responsible borrower, and hence, this increases your chances of getting approved.


Lenders also consider your income to ensure that you have the means to repay the loan. They may ask for proof of income such as salary slips or bank statements.

Employment Status

A steady source of income is often required for this lending without collateral. Lenders prefer borrowers who have been employed for a certain period or have a stable business.


Most lenders have age requirements for personal loans. Usually, you need to be between 21 and 60 years old.

Application Process


Find the right lender for you and understand the interest rates, processing fees, and terms and conditions.


Gather the necessary documents such as identity proof, address proof, income proof, and bank statements. Having these documents ready will speed up the application process.

Application Form

Fill out the application form with accurate details. Make sure that all the information provided is correct to avoid any delays in the approval process.

Submit and Await Approval

Submit your application along with the required documents. Now, the lender would review your application and, if approved, would disburse the loan amount to your bank account.

Also Read: How to get loans against a PPF (Public Provident Fund)

Interest Rates and Fees

Interest Rates

The interest rate on an unsecured personal loan is usually higher than that of a secured loan because the lender is taking on more risk.

Processing Fees

Lenders often charge a processing fee, which is a percentage of the loan amount. This fee covers the cost of processing your application and disbursing the loan.

Other Charges

Be aware of any other charges that may apply such as late payment fees, prepayment charges, and penalties for early closure of the loan.

How to Avail an Airtel Personal Loan

Download Airtel Thanks App: First, download the Airtel Thanks app from the Google Play Store or Apple App Store.

Register/Log In: Now, register or log in to your account using your Airtel mobile number.

Check Eligibility: Go to the personal loan section and check your eligibility.

Apply for Loan: If you are eligible, then fill in the necessary details and submit the application. You may need to provide additional documents as required.

Approval and Disbursement: Once your application is approved, the loan amount would be credited to your bank account.

Also Read: How to get urgent loan with bad credit score in India?

Tips for Managing Personal Loans

  • Create a budget to ensure you can comfortably make your EMI payments
  • Borrow only what you need and can afford to repay
  • Make your EMI payments on time to avoid late fees and negative impacts on your credit score.
  • Keep an eye on your credit score and take steps to improve it if necessary.


Personal loans without security offer a flexible and accessible way to obtain funds without the need for collateral. Whether you need money for an emergency, education, or a vacation, an unsecured personal loan can be a viable option for you. Airtel instant loans, available through the Airtel Thanks app, provide a convenient and quick solution for Airtel customers. Apply today and get the funds in your bank account directly.
