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Correlation between Credit Rating and Debt

Understand The Correlation Between Credit Rating And Debt

When it comes to applying for personal loans or debt, there is no denying the fact that credit rating and debt go hand in hand. To apply for additional loans or increase your financial flexibility, it is important to understand the correlation between credit rating and debt.

Your credit rating can significantly impact your ability to obtain future credit funds, such as personal loans. Applicants with high or good credit ratings might see significant differences in their credit flexibility than applicants with low or poor credit ratings.

In this blog, we will explore the correlation between credit rating and debt, focusing on how your credit rating affects your access to personal loans with Airtel.

But, first getting deep into the blog, let us understand what a credit rating is.

Also Read: Factors That Affect Your Credit Score

What Is a Credit Rating?

Credit rating is the score value, earned by an individual based on their payment history, credit utilisation, and length of credit history. Various factors are considered when evaluating credit rating for an applicant. It is important to note that in credit rating a high credit score indicates that you are a low-risk borrower, while a low credit rating suggests a higher risk.

In other words, the higher the credit score the better credit opportunities and flexibilities it offers to each applicant. 

What is debt?

Debt is basically the money you owe to lenders in the form of a personal loan, credit card balances, mortgage, and other financial obligations. It involves a commitment to repay the borrowed amount, often with interest, over a specified period. Managing debt responsibly is crucial for financial stability and maintaining a good credit rating.

If have a low credit rating, it can directly affect your overall debt amount, application, and more.

Also Read: CIBIL Score for Credit Card – Minimum and Maximum

How Does Credit Rating Affect Your Debt?

  • Loan approval chances:

As a loan applicant, it is vital to understand a high credit rating increases your chances of getting approved for a personal loan. This is because lenders view you as a reliable borrower and are more likely to approve your loan application. Alternatively, a low credit rating can result in loan rejections, limiting your access to necessary funds.

  • Interest rates:

Not many would be aware of the fact that credit rating can directly influence the interest rates on personal loans and other borrowings. Therefore, borrowers with high credit ratings often receive lower interest rates, reducing the overall cost of borrowing. Personal Loans with Airtel offers you high-credit loan amounts with low interest rates along with a customisable EMI tenure plan. So, take your first step toward financial independence and get instant loan approvals with Airtel! 

  • Loan amount eligibility:

Along with other factors, lenders also take into account the loan amount you are eligible for based on your credit ratings. If you have low credit ratings, lenders might not qualify your application for larger loan amounts. In some cases, you might also be charged more interest rates for a low loan amount due to poor credit rating. 

  • Loan terms and conditions:

Lenders set the terms and conditions of personal loans based on your credit rating. Additionally, a good credit rating can help you secure favourable terms, such as longer repayment periods and lower fees. Poor credit ratings might result in stricter terms, such as shorter repayment periods and higher fees. At Airtel Finance, you can enjoy instant loan benefits with 24-hour loan disbursement, provided all your shared information and documents are accurate and correct. Download the Airtel Thanks App and register yourself for a high-credit personal loan with Airtel in just a few clicks! 

  • Debt-to-income ratio:

A high credit rating usually indicates a manageable debt-to-income ratio, making you a safer option for lenders among various applicants. A low credit rating might reflect a higher debt-to-income ratio, reducing your chances of loan approval. Hence, it is quite common for lenders to consider your debt-to-income ratio when evaluating personal loan applications. 

Credit monitoring

Due to various financial responsibilities and commitments, it can be challenging to manage your expenses. But with effective practices like credit monitoring, you can easily keep a check on your spending, manage your credit tenure time, and improve your credit ratings to unlock amazing financial opportunities like never before!

Also Read: How to Get a personal loan with low Cibil score

Your credit rating significantly impacts your ability to obtain personal loans, influencing factors such as loan approval chances, interest rates, and loan terms. By understanding how your credit rating affects your access to credit funds and taking steps to improve it, you can secure better borrowing conditions and achieve financial stability.

Choose Personal Loan with Airtel, an easy, effective, and favourable credit option to help you improve your standard of living at low interest rates and a flexible EMI tenure period! Download the Airtel Thanks App or browse the Airtel website to learn more about Personal loans with Airtel. 
