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Aadhaar card CIBIL score

How to check CIBIL score with Aadhaar Card?

When you are applying for any personal loan from a bank or lender, your CIBIL score, or your credit score is always checked. This is done to ensure that you are able to repay your debt on time, and also to analyse whether you have been responsible with credit previously. If all the checks are done and everything is perfect, then your personal loan application goes through, and you get the money deposited in your account very soon. 

But, before you end up applying for a loan, it is always a good idea to check your CIBIL score. In this blog, we will help you understand how or whether you can check your CIBIL score with an Aadhaar card and what are the steps behind checking your CIBIL score easily.

How can I check my CIBIL score using my Aadhaar card?

Unfortunately, you cannot check your CIBIL score using the Aadhaar card, as of now. Currently, the only way to check your CIBIL score is to use the PAN card, which contains detailed information about all your financial spending.

However, you can use the Aadhaar card as proof of identity on the CIBIL score website, but you cannot use it to obtain your CIBIL score itself.

Not to worry, because there are plenty of ways in which you can check your CIBIL score. 

Read more: What is credit score and its importance?

How to check the CIBIL score?

As mentioned, you can check your CIBIL score in multiple ways. You can visit the CIBIL score website, or you could use other websites and mobile apps to check your CIBIL score.

Check your CIBIL score from the CIBIL website

Worried that you cannot use your Aadhaar card to check the CIBIL score? Here are some steps on how to check the CIBIL score from the official website:

  1. Open the official CIBIL website on your device
  2. Click on ‘get your CIBIL score’
  3. If you are already a CIBIL member, then log in using your username, password, and OTP
  4. Else, if you are now, sign up for CIBIL by providing details such as name, address, Aadhaar card number as ID, PAN card number, and other details, as prompted on the screen
  5. Click ‘accept and continue’
  6. Enter the OTP you get on your phone and e-mail
  7. You will now get directed to the main CIBIL dashboard, from where you can check your CIBIL score

Note: You can use your Aadhaar card, passport, voter ID card, driver’s license, and ration card as your ID proof.

Do remember that when you log in, you will only be able to see the CIBIL credit score, and not the CIBIL credit report. To get the credit report, you will have to pay a small fee.

Read more: Get a personal loan with low CIBIL score

Other websites and apps to check CIBIL score

Do not want to use the official CIBIL score website? You can also use plenty of third-party apps and websites which will help you determine your CIBIL score, without breaking a sweat. In addition, these platforms are free as well. You may just have to sign up for these apps or websites, but that is all that you will have to do.

Remember that these apps and websites are also providing information by sourcing it from CIBIL itself, hence they are very reliable and accurate. But do note that you cannot check your CIBIL score using an Aadhaar card on these platforms either. 

No matter which platform, app, or website that you use, you will always have to provide your PAN card details to get your CIBIL score. This is because there is no financial data stored within an Aadhaar card. On the other hand, all your past credit history, personal loans, credit cards, regular income and other financial information is linked to your PAN card. 

Read more: A complete guide on how to improve your credit score

Get a personal loan from Airtel Flexi Credit

Yes, you cannot use your Aadhaar card to check your CIBIL score. But you can always provide your details on the official CIBIL score website or any other platform, and then apply for a loan. If you’re on the lookout for a personal loan offer that is easy on your pocket, offers low-interest rates, flexible tenures and a simple application process, then try out Airtel Flexi Credit.

Airtel India has tied up with some of the best and well-known banks and financial lenders in the industry to provide you personal loan offers that help you get credit, instantly! Excited? Apply now on the Airtel Thanks app
