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Planning a Solo Trip to Dubai? Here’s what you need to know!

Dubai is without a doubt one of the most popular tourist destinations in the Middle East; nevertheless, visiting Dubai on your own may be difficult. Dubai is not typically touted as a single vacation destination, but that does not mean you cannot go alone. Dubai is home to the world’s tallest skyscraper, the Burj Khalifa, as well as the world’s only seven-star hotel, the Burj Al Arab. Not only that, but Dubai is still growing to become one of the world’s most elegantly designed cities, noted for its rich cultural variety and popular fiestas. If you are planning a trip to Dubai from India, then you need to read more about it in this blog. Let’s explore!

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Planning a Solo Trip to Dubai? Here’s what you need to know!

Here are a few tips to plan a solo trip to Dubai-

  • Eating in Public- Eating in public settings, especially public transit, is considered impolite in Dubai. Although it is not forbidden for outsiders or non-Muslims to do so, it is considered impolite to even drink water or eat in public during the holy month of Ramadan.
  • Important Documents- This is the most critical aspect. Double- and triple-check your documents, make duplicates of them, and always keep the photocopies with you, leaving the originals secured in your hotel. Check with your local embassy for visa requirements, which are subject to change.
  • Connectivity- Though you will get Wi-Fi at hotels and some restaurants, but it makes your data privacy vulnerable. You also get the option to use local SIM cards, but the process takes a long time. This also involves giving out your personal information in an unknown country and to unknown people. Therefore, it is best to use an International Roaming pack or International Roaming plan on your existing SIM card. The Airtel International Roaming pack starts at ₹133 per day. All our foreign roaming packs are only activated when you travel abroad and begin using your mobile services. If you are a Postpaid user, your pack will be activated and you will be charged for it only when you travel abroad and use your first chargeable service, such as SMS/voice call/data use.

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  • Alcohol and The Middle East- When it comes to alcohol, restaurants, hotels, and bars will provide you with the most diverse selection, ranging from the cheapest beer or spirits to the most opulent champagne. Although the legal drinking age is 21, certain establishments will not serve anybody under the age of 25. If you wish to buy alcohol in the city, you must first obtain a liquor license, which is costly. However, you may purchase duty-free alcohol at the airport shop; however, there is a purchase limit that will be examined at the customs office. During Ramadan, almost no restaurant or bar will serve you alcohol, even if you are a tourist or a non-Muslim.
  • Medication- There is zero tolerance for drug addiction in Dubai. If you are carrying medications, don’t forget your prescription. It is safest to simply bring what you will need for the duration of your visit. Also, keep in mind that poppy seeds are illegal in the UAE since they contain opium.
  • Attire- First and foremost, we must remember that Dubai, no matter how contemporary, open, or progressive, is an Islamic nation in which residents revere their culture and traditional values. You may dress up as much as you like since, well, the city is rather stylish, but be careful not to offend your host city’s sensibilities. It is preferable to protect your shoulders and knees. Because Dubai is a tourist destination, you are not required to dress traditionally in an abaya or kandora, although exposing too much flesh in public areas is often frowned upon. Of course, it would be strange to not wear a swimsuit, shorts, or a bikini on a beach, and you are free to dress as you would on any other beach.
  • Budget- Dubai is much more than multistorey towers and retail malls with a wide range of brands. Spend a day sunbathing by the Persian Gulf or go on a desert safari to the red sands of the Arabian Desert. Don’t miss the Dubai Creek, where the city originated, or the elegantly designed Palm Jumeirah.
  • Desert Safari- Money, on the other hand, is quite safe to carry in the UAE. The country’s official currency is the AED, or United Arab Emirates Dirham, which is frequently abbreviated as DH. You may swap your currency at several local stores, which usually give a higher exchange rate. International credit cards and debit cards are also generally accepted. Due to the country’s strong rules, stealing is rarely an issue. It is, nonetheless, preferable to be cautious than sorry.
  • Food- Apart from shopping, the nicest aspect of Dubai is the cuisine. Whether it’s traditional cuisines from across the world at the Global Village, an expensive and beautiful restaurant, or mouth-watering street food, Dubai is a foodie’s paradise. If you are a vegetarian, your options may be restricted, but if you are a non-vegetarian who enjoys discovering new cuisines, the streets of Dubai are the place to be. It includes everything from local specialties to the greatest Shawarma to traditional foods from nations such as India and Lebanon to the best-grilled chicken from KFC. Don’t be concerned about hygiene. Emiratis and expatriates in Dubai take great pleasure in maintaining a healthy and safe environment.
  • Dubai and LGBTQIA+- Because Dubai and the rest of the UAE adhere to Sharia Law, any sexual connection other than heterosexual marriage might result in penalty or expulsion for a non-citizen. It is therefore prudent not to venture out while in the nation.  

Best time to Visit Dubai

Planning a Solo Trip to Dubai 2 (002)

When the temperature varies from 30° C to 12° C and the weather is quite nice, November to March is the ideal season to visit Dubai. Furthermore, the Dubai Shopping Festival is held in December, and it is magnificent, with every product from brands all over the world available. Visiting Dubai between April and October would be a bad idea because it would be nearly difficult to go outdoors owing to the hot and humid weather, confining you inside air-conditioned shops and luxurious spas.

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Getting Around Dubai as a Solo Traveller

There’s no better way to see the sites than on your own, whether it’s at the Burj Khalifa or Atlantis, The Palm. Get the Dubai Pass to save money on major sites and activities or hop on and off the City Sightseeing Dubai bus to tour the city throughout the day.

Things to Pack as a Solo Traveller

One of the most exciting and terrifying aspects of solo travel is that you have complete control over everything. You get to select where and when you eat and sleep, and you may choose to rest rather than run about town every day. You also get to choose what items are worthy of accompanying you on your journey. You need to pack these things before you start to travel alone-

  • Portable Charger- When traveling alone, safety is critical. Currently, your phone may also serve as a safety device. Your phone must be charged in case of an emergency, whether you’re using it for directions, transit, contacting people, or anything else.
  • Mini Bag- A belt bag is an excellent idea whether you’re going through airport security or just touring a new place. It lets you travel hands-free while keeping your essentials close to reach. Things are easily accessible when needed, yet secure since they are in front of you.
  • Water Bottle- Whether traveling alone or with others, bringing a water bottle is usually a smart idea. However, while traveling alone, it is critical to pack minimally and wisely.
  • Hydration Packs- Traveling may dehydrate and exhaust you. These liquid intravenous hydration multipliers are ideal for long journeys and going out. When traveling alone, being hydrated is critical for both your health and your safety.
  • First Aid Kit- Even if it’s sensible to pack light for a solo trip, it’s also best to be safe than sorry. Packing a first aid kit is a good idea because it’s light and has everything you need for inconvenience.
  • Journal- As you might guess, traveling alone entails doing certain things on your own. A travel diary is an excellent travel companion. You may keep the diary in your daypack and bring it out whenever you want to write. This is a must-have item for my solo trip packing list.


While hopping around air-conditioned stores and hotels is convenient, Dubai is far more fun if you know where to go. If you follow the travel advice listed above, you will have a fantastic time in Dubai if you visit all the appropriate sites at the right time!
