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Planning to Buy Tourist or Local Sim in Thailand

Thailand attracts a large number of tourists from all over the world every year, making it a sought-after international destination. Thailand’s beauty is rooted not just from its scenic surroundings, but also from its rich cultural heritage and kind hospitality. When tourists arrive in this country, they are greeted by a plethora of experiences that cater to a wide range of interests.

To stay connected with your loved ones and post your Thailand pictures you need to buy a tourist or local sim in Thailand. You can visit the Airtel website or login to the Airtel Thanks App to check the Thailand sim card price that best suits you. Getting a tourist or local SIM card for your trip to Thailand might be a convenient and cost-effective method to stay connected while exploring this stunning country. Read more on getting an Airtel Thailand roaming pack for your vacation to Thailand.

Read more: Best SIM Card for Tourist & International Travelers

Why buy tourist or local SIM in Thailand?

There are several reasons to buy tourist or local SIM in Thailand that offer advantages for tourists. A few of them are:

Communication at a Low Cost: International roaming charges from your own country’s SIM card can be a burden on your pocket. Buying a local or tourist SIM card in Thailand usually results in lower costs for local and international calls, messages, and mobile data.

Local Phone Number: The Airtel Thailand roaming will provide you with several benefits and offers. This can be useful for answering local calls, booking local services, and staying in touch with your hotels or tour organizers.

Data Access: A local SIM card gives you access to mobile data. This is extremely useful when using maps and navigation apps, searching for information on the go, and staying connected via social media or messaging apps.

Emergency Services: Having a local SIM card ensures that you may readily call local emergency services, such as police or medical aid, without any language hurdles in the event of an emergency.

Discounts for Consumers with Local Phone Numbers: We provide discounts or promotions to consumers with local phone numbers. You may be eligible for such deals if you have an Airtel international roaming pack for Thailand.

Convenience: Getting a local SIM card for travelling to Thailand is a simple process. SIM cards are widely accessible at airports, convenience stores, and mobile phone retailers, making it simple for visitors to connect upon arrival. Thailand SIM card price is affordable on the other hand.

Customized Plans: Many operators provide prepaid SIM card alternatives created exclusively for tourists. These plans frequently contain data, local minutes, and international calling options, making them simple to select.

Avoid Bill Shock: Using your home country’s SIM card in Thailand for data and calls can result in unexpectedly high bills due to international roaming charges. You can avoid bill shock and have better control over your costs by utilizing the Airtel Thailand roaming pack.

Longer Stay Flexibility: If you intend to stay in Thailand for an extended amount of time, having a local SIM card allows you to fill up your balance as needed, ensuring you stay connected without worrying about your home country’s plan expiring or running out of data.

Also Read: How To Keep Airtel SIM Active While Travelling Abroad?

Best International Roaming Plans

We offer different international roaming plans, and you can choose any one of them that suits you the best. You can visit the Airtel website or the Thanks App and click on the ‘Airtel International Roaming Plans’ section. You need to select the country you are visiting first. Then enter your 10 digits mobile number and choose your international roaming pack.

Read more: Can Airtel SIM Be Used Internationally?


When going from India to Thailand, purchasing a local SIM card has various advantages. You can choose the Airtel Thailand roaming pack for a user-friendly experience. For starters, it allows you to communicate at a minimal cost by letting you make local calls, access mobile data, and remain in touch with loved ones without paying high international roaming fees. Second, having a local SIM makes it easier to communicate with local companies, tour operators, and emergency services. It also provides access to exclusive local discounts and promotions. Overall, a local SIM card improves the convenience, price, and connectivity of your Thai vacation.
