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10 Things to know if you're visiting Saudi Arabia

10 Things to know if you’re visiting Saudi Arabia

Travel entails more than simply seeing famous architecture and sites worldwide. It is about discovering fresh viewpoints and learning about diverse civilisations. While many travel to Europe and Asia for vacations, the Middle East provides a distinct and intriguing experience.

Consider visiting Saudi Arabia if you want to have an amazing vacation. This nation has a rich cultural past and varied scenery that will captivate you. If you are planning to visit Saudi Arabia, then you need to read more in this blog for a better overview of the place.

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10 Things to know if you're visiting Saudi Arabia -1

10 Things to know if you’re visiting Saudi Arabia

  1. Road trips are great- With a sunny atmosphere, low gas prices, and adequate roads, driving around the Arabian countryside is simple. In Saudi Arabia, several automobile rental firms can get you on the road. 
  2. Activate the International Roaming pack- Now that we have caught your attention, let’s discuss another important point- connectivity. Though using Wi-Fi or a local SIM card is a handy option for you, it makes you vulnerable to giving out your personal information in an unknown place. Therefore, activating the International Roaming pack on your current SIM card is the best option for you as you do not need to do anything extra. Your International Roaming plan will be activated once you reach another country. 

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  • Accommodation options are great- You do not need to be concerned about where you will stay throughout your travel to Saudi Arabia. In recent years, the nation has made significant progress in expanding its lodging alternatives, in keeping with the aspirations of Saudi Vision 2030. There are several solutions available to fit your interests and budget. If you’re seeking upscale international hotel chains, large cities like Riyadh, Jeddah, and Dammam have much to offer. Many of these hotels include contemporary facilities including spas, gyms, and swimming pools. In their on-site restaurants, you may also taste foreign cuisine.
  • Variety of food options-If you enjoy eating, Saudi Arabia has a plethora of meals and goods that will take you on a culinary journey. The nation is well-known for its rich food, which combines North African spices with Middle Eastern traditional meals. If you’re looking for traditional Arabic food, there are plenty of options, like lamb shawarma, kofta meatballs, and Yemeni mandi rice. Falafel and kebabs are also quite popular foods. Rice, veggies, dates, meat, and potatoes are frequent components in most Saudi Arabian cuisines. They do, however, taste distinctive and have a particular flavour that complements the country’s arid environment. Furthermore, the sale and consumption of alcohol are prohibited.
  • Restriction on photography-Before clicking pictures of people in Saudi Arabia, you should always seek permission. This is because of the country’s customs and the value placed on a family’s reputation. There is widespread concern that a woman’s photograph would be uploaded online or used for extortion, therefore, tarnishing her reputation and that of her family. Remember to search for “No Photographs” signs and to seek permission from authorities before photographing military locations, airports, castles, or religious landmarks. Some of these are seen as a security concern.
  • Saudi Arabia is not always hot- Saudi Arabia’s climate is hot and dry for most part of the year, with minimal rains. Summers (May to September) are scorching, with daytime temperatures reaching 40°C to 50°C (104°F to 122°F), especially in the desert areas. At this time of the year, dust and sandstorms are also possible.

During the winter months (November to February), however, temperatures range from 20°C to 30°C (68°F to 86°F). Temperatures decline at night, particularly in arid areas.

Temperatures along the coast are more moderate all year, with summer temperatures averaging around 30°C (86°F) and winter temperatures averaging around 25°C (77°F).

  • Non-Muslims are not permitted to enter some cities- Mecca and Medina are two major Islamic towns. Mecca is the holiest, as it is the birthplace of the Prophet Muhammad, and every Muslim must do a hajj (pilgrimage) here at least once. Visitors must walk seven times around the Kaaba, a cube-shaped building in the center of the Great Mosque, to complete the Hajj. Medina, where Muhammad built the first Muslim community, is the second holiest city for Muslims. Pilgrims customarily pray at the Al-Masjid an-Nabawi (Mosque of the Prophet), which houses the Prophet’s grave, during the Hajj. If you’re not performing Hajj, don’t plan on visiting these sites while in Saudi Arabia. Mecca and Medina are both off-limits to non-Muslims due to their position as Islamic holy towns. The Saudi government takes this prohibition extremely seriously, and any non-Muslim who attempts to visit Mecca or Medina would face heavy penalties including fines, jail time, and even deportation.

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  1. Saudi Arabia is safe- If you want to visit Saudi Arabia, you can do so without hesitation. Despite popular belief, Saudi Arabia is a safe and crime-free destination. However, the country has a strong legal structure, and some behaviours that are permitted in other countries may be prohibited in Saudi Arabia, such as consuming alcohol. Because Saudi Arabia is a strict Islamic country, it is best to follow local customs, dress modestly, and avoid public shows of affection.
  2. Conservative nature- Saudi Arabia has traditional Muslim beliefs. Respect the local culture and religion by being mindful of conventions around public displays of affection, gender roles, and clothing codes. You will have a more pleasurable visit while avoiding any cultural misunderstandings or confrontations. It is illegal to hold hands or kiss in public between persons of different sexes. Gender roles are rigidly enforced, and women are frequently segregated in public locations such as restaurants, transportation, and workplaces.
  3. Huge country- Saudi Arabia is the world’s 12th largest country by land area and the Middle East’s largest. Because the distance between major cities can be enormous, it’s important to plan ahead of time while traveling across the nation. Flying is the most efficient mode of transportation. Fortunately, Saudi Arabia has 35 airports, 28 of which handle domestic flights, making moving throughout the nation a snap.

No Booze: Saudi Arabia is a Dry Nation

In Saudi Arabia, alcohol, like narcotics, is prohibited from being manufactured, sold, possessed, or used. Drinking is punished by public whipping, fines, or long-term incarceration, with deportation in some circumstances.

You Can Visit with a Free Transit Layover on Saudi Airlines

You can enjoy stop over visa program, that allows you to book your trip through our digital channels and stop for up to 96 hours with a free one-day stay to do Umrah, visit holy sites, tourist and historical sites, and other delightful activities. You can check on the internet about it.

You Need a Tourist Visa

The Saudi Arabia Tourist e-Visa permits applicants to enter the country multiple times and stay for up to 90 days in total. To apply for this visa, you must have a passport that is valid for at least 6 months from the date of arrival and has at least one page accessible for stamping. Unless you are a national of one of the six Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries, you are not permitted to enter Saudi Arabia without a tourist visa. Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Kuwait, Bahrain, and Oman are among these countries. Nationals of 50 sovereign nations (including the United States) can apply for an eVisa ahead of time, which can be done here. To apply, you will need a picture in PDF format. Visas on arrival were briefly suspended owing to COVID-19; nevertheless, it is prudent to check for updates on Saudi Arabia’s tourist website to see whether they have been reinstated since things are constantly changing these days.

Most Museums Are Free

Most museums in Riyadh are free. You can read about the Redwater and see the many species present both in the water and in the desert. It is also free to enter Al Masmak Fortress, where you can learn about the many Saudi Kings.

Their Weekends Are Different: Their “Sunday” is Our “Monday”

If you’re wondering which day to avoid crowds, Saturday is, shockingly, your best choice. Saudi Arabia’s work week begins on Sundays, and Saturdays are normally relatively peaceful as most people use them to recover before the hectic work week begins. This implies that if you’re searching for any form of trip or tour, Saturday is not only the ideal day to avoid crowds, but it’s also often cheaper.


If you’re seeking for an off-the-beaten-path vacation with unique sights and experiences, Saudi Arabia is the place to go. There is no better spot for a wonderful holiday experience, with its cultural richness and first-rate lodgings.

Saudi Arabia delivers an exceptional travel trip, from its magnificent beaches and clean coastline to safaris and scuba diving places. So, if you’re planning your next holiday, be sure to include Saudi Arabia on your itinerary.
