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Short-term vs. Long-term Fixed Deposits: Which One Should You Choose?

Fixed Deposits (FDs) are a popular investment option for many people looking to grow their savings safely. When deciding between short-term and long-term FDs, it’s essential to understand the differences in terms of benefits, risks, and suitability to your financial goals. This guide breaks down the key aspects of short-term FD vs long-term FD to help you make the right decision.

What Are Short-term Fixed Deposits?

Short-term fixed deposits are investments where you deposit money with a bank or financial institution for a short period, usually ranging from a few weeks to a year. These deposits offer lower interest rates compared to long-term FDs but provide quick access to your money when needed. They are ideal for individuals who want flexibility and may need to use their funds within a short time frame.

Benefits of Short-term FDs

  • Quick Access to Funds: If you anticipate needing your money soon, short-term FDs allow you to withdraw it without penalties after the maturity period.
  • Flexibility: You can choose short maturity periods based on your financial goals, allowing you to reassess and reinvest your money more frequently.
  • Lower Interest Rate Risk: Short-term FDs are less affected by changes in interest rates compared to long-term investments, giving you stability in returns over the short term.

Considerations for Short-term FDs

  1. Lower Interest Rates: Usually, short-term FDs offer lower interest rates than long-term options because banks pay higher rates for longer commitment periods.
  2. Roll-over Risk: Reinvesting funds from matured short-term FDs into new ones may subject you to changing interest rate environments, affecting future returns.

Also Read: Difference between Fixed Deposit and Recurring Deposit

Airtel’s Offerings in Short-term FDs

Airtel provides competitive short-term FD options designed to meet immediate liquidity needs while ensuring capital preservation and steady returns. Their offerings are perfect for investors looking for reliable, short-duration investment opportunities with a trusted financial partner. Download the Airtel Thanks app to invest now!

What Are Long-term Fixed Deposits?

Long-term FDs involve depositing your money for an extended period, usually more than a year and sometimes up to several years or even decades. These deposits usually offer higher interest rates compared to short-term FDs as a reward for committing your funds for a longer duration.

Benefits of Long-term FDs

  • Higher Interest Rates: Long-term FDs generally offer higher interest rates than short-term deposits due to the longer commitment period, which can result in higher overall returns.
  • Stable and Predictable Returns: Investors benefit from stable returns over the duration of the deposit, making long-term FDs suitable for long-term financial planning and achieving specific financial goals.
  • Protection Against Interest Rate Fluctuations: By locking in your funds for a longer period, you protect yourself from fluctuations in fixed deposit interest rates that may occur in the future.

Considerations for Long-term FDs

  1. Liquidity Constraints: Long-term FDs restrict access to your money for the duration of the deposit, which may not be suitable if you anticipate needing funds in the short term.
  2. Interest Rate Risk: In a declining interest rate scenario, long-term FDs may initially offer higher rates but could lag behind newer investments offering higher rates later.

Airtel’s Offerings in Long-term FDs

Airtel’s long-term FDs provide opportunities for sustained growth and wealth accumulation over extended periods. Their competitive interest rates and flexible maturity options cater to individuals and families planning for long-term financial goals, such as retirement planning or funding education.

Tips to Choose Between Short-term and Long-term FDs

  • Consider factors like financial goals, risk tolerance, and interest rate outlook
  • Evaluate your needs
  • Analyse the interest rates and compare returns
  • Assess risk and consider the impact of interest rate fluctuations

Also Read: Learn About Premature withdrawal of Fixed Deposit


So, this is what short-term fixed deposit vs long-term fixed deposit is all about. Choosing between short-term and long-term fixed deposits depends on your unique financial situation, goals, and risk tolerance. Airtel offers a range of FD options to meet diverse investor needs, whether it’s quick liquidity with short-term investments or stable growth with long-term deposits.

So, how about opening an FD account now to achieve your financial goals?


1. What are the tax implications of short-term vs. long-term fixed deposits?

Interest earned on both short-term and long-term FDs is subject to tax according to your income tax slab. The tax treatment is the same regardless of the FD tenure.

2. Can I break my FD before maturity?

Yes, you can break your FD before maturity, but it may incur penalties and lower interest rates. It’s important to check the terms and conditions of the specific FD product.

3. How do I decide the tenure of my fixed deposit?

The tenure should be based on your financial goals, need for liquidity, and interest rate outlook. Short-term FDs are better for immediate needs, while long-term FDs are suitable for long-term financial goals.

4. Are there any special rates or benefits for senior citizens on FDs?

Yes, many banks and financial institutions, including Airtel Finance, offer higher interest rates and additional benefits on FDs for senior citizens. However, always check the specific offerings for senior citizens before investing.
