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CIBIL Score for Credit Card - Minimum and Maximum - Image 1 (002)

CIBIL Score for Credit Card – Minimum and Maximum

In today’s financial landscape, managing finances without a personal loan or a credit card can get difficult, and it is always advisable that we understand the process of how to apply to get a credit card sanctioned on our name. If one isn’t aware of the eligibility criteria of getting a credit card, then this is where knowing the importance of CIBIL score will help get a credit card faster. CIBIL score is a three-digit number that can make or break our ability to secure a credit card. But what exactly does it represent, and what score do we need? Let’s delve into it further and comprehend why we need a favourable CIBIL score for credit card services.

Understanding the CIBIL Score

The CIBIL score, also known as a credit score, is a numerical representation of our creditworthiness. Given by the Credit Information Bureau (India) Limited (CIBIL), this score ranges from 300 to 900, with 300 being the lowest and 900 being the highest. This score is based on our past credit history and repayment behaviour.

Minimum CIBIL Score for a Credit Card

The minimum CIBIL score required for a credit card varies among lenders. However, a score of 700 or above is generally seen as favourable. Most banks and financial institutions prefer applicants with a CIBIL score of at least 750, as this score indicates responsible borrowing habits and a lower chance of defaulting on payments.

However, approval is not guaranteed solely based on a high score. Other factors such as our income, employment history, and existing debts are taken into consideration as well.

Here’s how you can apply for your credit card via the Airtel Thanks App if you have a good credit score:

Step 1: Download the Airtel Thanks App through Play Store or App Store.

Step 2: Go to the ‘shop’ category, then choose ‘credit card’ under ‘Financial Services’. Step 3: Fill the form and provide information for KYC.

Step 3: Get your credit card delivered within 24 hours of your approval.


Also Read – Factors That Affect Your Credit Score

Why is it Important to Have a Good Credit Score?


  1.     Lower Interest Rates: With a high credit score, we are likely to qualify for lower interest rates on loans and credit cards. This can save us significant amounts of money over time, especially on large purchases like a home or car.
  2.     Credit Card Approval: Credit card companies often use credit scores to determine eligibility for their cards. A good score increases our chances of approval and may lead to better rewards and benefits.
  3.     Access to Loans: A good credit score opens up opportunities for loans, such as mortgages, car loans, or personal loans, with favourable interest rates and terms. It shows lenders that we are reliable and capable of managing debt responsibly.

Also Read: Ways to check your credit score online – detailed guide

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Securing a Credit Card with a Low CIBIL Score

If the score is below 700, it necessarily isn’t a bad thing for our credit card application, but it isn’t a very favourable situation for us either. Some credit card providers may grant cards to individuals with lower scores, although this usually comes with a higher interest rate or lower credit limit.

The Maximum CIBIL Score

The maximum CIBIL score one can achieve is 900. However, reaching this score is rare and not necessary for obtaining a credit card. A score of 800 or more is considered excellent and considered highly favourable for best credit card offers with lower interest rates and higher credit limits.

Things to Avoid at all Costs:


  1. Missing Payments: Late payments can significantly damage our credit score and may incur late fees and increased interest rates.
  2. Maxing Out Credit Cards: Utilizing too much of your available credit limit can negatively impact our credit score, even if you pay your bills on time.
  3. Applying for Multiple Credit Cards: Each application generates a hard inquiry on our credit report, which can lower our score temporarily. Avoid applying for multiple credit accounts within a short period.
  4. Ignoring Errors on Our Credit Report: Regularly reviewing our credit report for inaccuracies is crucial so that we can successfully dispute any errors.
  5. Not Being Aware of Our Credit Score: Staying informed about our credit score is important and we should take steps to improve it if necessary.

Maintaining a High CIBIL Score

The importance of a high CIBIL score cannot be overstated. It affects not only our ability to get a credit card but also the interest rates on loans, insurance premiums, and even job prospects in some cases.

Here are a few tips to improve or maintain a good CIBIL score:

  1.     Make it a habit to have timely bill payments as this might impact our credit score.
  2.     It is important that we aim not to use more than 30% of our credit limit. High credit utilization can indicate credit dependency and lower our score.
  3.     A combination of secured (like home loan, car loan) and unsecured loans (like credit cards, personal loans) can boost your score which is why we should consider having a good credit mix.

Also Read – What is CIBIL Dispute?

While there’s no absolute minimum or maximum CIBIL score for a credit card, maintaining a score of 750 or above can significantly improve your chances of approval. A good credit score is a key to your financial health, so monitor it closely and take steps to improve it if necessary.
