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Does the Airtel Xstream Fiber Really Connect up to 60 Devices?

Does the Airtel Xstream Fiber Really Connect up to 60 Devices?

The world has become experience-driven, be it the food you eat, the clothes you wear, or the work you do. A great customer experience is the basic expectation from everything that people do these days. Why should your internet be left behind?

Buy Airtel Wi-Fi with exciting benefits!

Don’t we all want a seamless, fast wifi experience—in our homes and offices?

The Pandemic is Creating Internet Pressure

With the onset of the pandemic, as people remain indoors, the one thing that helps connect them to the outside world is the internet. Whether it is for work, education, or entertainment, the internet has become our best friend. Why then should we not demand an enhanced internet experience?

But how would you ensure a fast internet at home when there are so many devices connected to the wifi router, disrupting the experience?

Here’s your solution: Airtel Xstream Fiber!

There must have been times when you wanted to stream a show on your favourite OTT platform but someone else in the house is on an important video call and they ask you not to hog the internet.

Airtel Xstream Fiber will save the day for you!

And with children attending home school, they need to be connected to internet for their classes while you are sharing the bandwidth for your work calls.

If your internet keeps dropping off because it can’t support so many devices at the same time, we’ve got something for you – Airtel Xstream Fiber.

Extreme Connectivity, Airtel Xstream Fiber

Whether it’s a yoga session, gaming, binge-watching a web series, or virtual meetings for work, Airtel Xstream gives its users the ability to connect up to 64 devices to the wifi router—at the same time, without losing speed or connectivity.

Xstream Fiber advantages:

Connect to multiple devices: Airtel Xstream is the most efficient fiber-optic service around, explicitly designed to address the issue of multiple connections failing to receive superfast speeds.

Prioritise internet traffic and flow: Airtel Xstream fiber uses intelligent technology that prioritizes internet traffic and flow. This wifi is omni-compatible across devices and does not compromise on consumer experience. Additionally, this device’s router capabilities give users download speed as high as 1 Gbps, as compared to 600 Mbps received from other companies.

Fault identification: Airtel Xstream fiber are that it identifies faults in the connection and raises service requests for immediate rectification.

24×7 tech support: Facing an internet issue in the middle of the night? With Airtel Xstream Fiber, consumers are guaranteed 24×7 tech support, auto-speed & device upgrades and much more.

Excited to experience the uninterrupted service?

Take a virtual tour of the Airtel Xstream Fiber service today.
