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What Is Unbilled Amount In Credit Card?

Credit cards are quite helpful for those who need them in times of emergency. With the help of these credit cards, you can buy things without using cash. But before you start using a credit card, there are certain things you must be aware of. It is important to understand some key terms so that you can use the credit cards wisely. One such term is the “unbilled amount.” So, in this article, we would talk about what the unbilled amount in credit card is, why it matters, and how it affects your credit card use.

What is the Unbilled Amount?

The unbilled amount on a credit card is the total of all the purchases you have made that have not yet been added to your monthly bill. When you use your credit card, the bank keeps track of what you spend. But these purchases do not show up on your bill right away. They are added to your unbilled amount and included in your next bill.

How Does the Billing Cycle Work?

To understand the credit card unbilled amount, you need to know about the billing cycle. A billing cycle is usually about 30 days long. At the end of each cycle, your credit card company sends you a bill listing all the purchases you made during that period. If you make a purchase after the bill is generated, it will be included in the next cycle, and until then, it is part of the unbilled amount. Let’s understand it through an example:

Imagine your billing cycle is from the 1st to the 30th of each month. If you buy something on the 25th, it will show up on your bill on the 30th. But if you buy something on the 2nd of the next month, it won’t show up until the next bill. The purchase on the 2nd is part of your unbilled amount until the end of the new billing cycle.

Why is the Unbilled Amount Important?

Helps You Manage Your Money

Knowing your unbilled amount helps you keep track of your spending. This way, you can plan your payments and make sure you have enough money to pay your credit card bill.

Avoid Extra Charges

The interest rates on credit cards are often high. Hence, make sure to keep track of your credit card unbilled amount so that you pay your bill on time and avoid paying extra interest.

Stay Within Your Limit

Your credit card has a spending limit. The unbilled amount counts toward this limit. By knowing your unbilled amount, you can make sure you do not go over your limit and avoid extra fees or damage to your credit score.

Also Read: What is a Lifetime Free Credit Card

How to Check Your Unbilled Amount

Online Banking

Most banks have online banking where you can log in and see your credit card details, including the unbilled amount. This is a quick and easy way to keep track.

Mobile Banking Apps

Banks also offer mobile apps that let you manage your credit card from your phone. You can check your unbilled amount, see past bills, and make payments.

Customer Service

You can also call your bank’s customer service and resolve your queries.

Airtel Credit Card and Unbilled Amount

Airtel offers a credit card with many benefits. Just like other credit cards, the Airtel credit card has an unbilled amount feature. If you know how the credit card unbilled amount works, you can manage your spending better and enjoy benefits like rewards points, cashback, and discounts. To meet the eligibility criteria, you must be an Indian citizen at least 21 years old with a stable source of income.

Tips for Managing Your Unbilled Amount

  • Keep an eye on your unbilled amount to stay aware of your spending
  • Set alerts for your credit card transactions
  • Plan your payments based on your billing cycle
  • Make the most of mobile banking apps to keep track of your unbilled amount

Also Read: Paying Income Tax With Credit Card – Process & Benefits


So, this is what unbilled transactions credit cards are all about. Whether you use an Airtel credit card or another card, you should know how to handle the unbilled amount. The better you know, the more it would help you make smart financial decisions and keep a good credit score.
