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How Many Credit Cards Should You Have?

Nowadays, credit cards are more than just a means to make purchases; they are essential tools for building credit, earning rewards, and managing expenses. However, a common question arises: How many credit cards should you have? The answer varies depending on individual financial goals, spending habits, and the ability to manage multiple accounts responsibly. This article will delve into the ideal number of credit cards, the benefits and challenges of managing multiple credit cards, and a closer look at a popular option – the Airtel Axis Bank Credit Card.

Ideal Number of Credit Cards

Determining the ideal number of credit cards is subjective and hinges on several factors. For many, having two to three credit cards strikes a perfect balance. This number allows you to diversify your credit mix without becoming overwhelmed by managing too many accounts.

1.    Diversification of Credit

Holding multiple credit cards can help diversify your credit portfolio, which can positively impact your credit score. Lenders often view a well-managed credit mix favourably, considering it a sign of financial responsibility.

2.    Maximising Rewards

Different credit cards offer various rewards and benefits. For instance, one card might provide cash back on groceries, while another offers travel rewards. By strategically using multiple cards, you can maximise your benefits based on your spending patterns.

3.    Credit Utilisation Ratio

Your credit utilisation ratio is a key component of your credit score. It is the percentage of your available credit that you are using. Keeping this ratio low is beneficial, and having multiple cards increases your total available credit, potentially lowering your utilisation ratio.

Also Read – How Does a Credit Card Work? – Process Explained

Managing Multiple Credit Cards

While having multiple credit cards can be advantageous, it also requires diligent management. Here are some tips to effectively manage multiple credit cards:

  1. Organise Your Accounts

Keep a detailed record of each credit card, including the due dates, credit limits, and reward structures. This will help you avoid missed payments and optimise your usage.

  1. Automate Payments

Setting up automatic payments for at least the minimum amount due can help prevent late fees and maintain a good payment history. Many credit card issuers offer the option to automate payments, ensuring you never miss a due date.

  1. Monitor Statements

Regularly review your credit card statements to check for any errors or unauthorised transactions. This also helps you stay on top of your spending and adjust your budget if necessary.

  1. Utilise Mobile Apps

Many banks and credit card companies provide mobile apps that allow you to manage your accounts while on the go. These apps can send reminders for due dates, track your rewards, and offer insights into your spending habits.

Also Read – What are the advantages and disadvantages of a credit card?

How Many Credit Cards to Have?

The number of credit cards you should have ultimately depends on your financial situation and discipline. Here are some scenarios to consider:

1.    Beginners

If you are new to credit cards, start with one card. Use it responsibly to build your credit history. Once you are comfortable managing one card, consider adding another to take advantage of different rewards and benefits.

2.    Moderate Users

If you have some experience with credit cards, two to three cards can provide a good balance. This allows you to diversify your credit and maximise rewards without becoming too complicated to manage.

3.    Experienced Users

For those who are adept at managing credit and have strong financial discipline, having four or more credit cards can offer significant benefits. However, it is crucial to keep track of all accounts and ensure timely payments to avoid negative impacts on your credit score.

Also Read – What are some Credit Card rules in India?

The number of credit cards you should have depends on your financial goals, spending habits, and ability to manage them responsibly. Starting with one or two cards is advisable for beginners, while more experienced users might benefit from having multiple cards to diversify their credit and maximise rewards.

One excellent option to consider is the Airtel Axis Bank Credit Card. This card is designed to offer a range of benefits, such as up to 35% cashback on Airtel recharges, WiFi, 10% cashback on utility bill payments, complimentary lounge access at domestic airports (4 times a year), a fuel surcharge waiver, and more. The Airtel Axis Bank Credit Card offers substantial rewards and easy management through the Airtel Thanks App.


1. How many credit cards should a beginner have?

A beginner should start with one credit card to build a credit history and gain experience managing credit. Once comfortable, they can consider adding another card.

2. Can having too many credit cards hurt my credit score?

Having too many credit cards can hurt your credit score if you fail to manage them responsibly. However, if managed well, multiple cards can improve your credit utilisation ratio and diversify your credit mix, positively impacting your score.

3. How can I manage multiple credit cards effectively?

To manage multiple credit cards effectively, organise your accounts, automate payments, monitor statements, and utilise mobile apps for tracking and reminders.

4. What are the benefits of the Airtel Axis Bank Credit Card?

The Airtel Axis Bank Credit Card offers rewards on Airtel payments, cashback and discounts on various categories, easy management through the Airtel Thanks App, and additional benefits like complimentary lounge access and fuel surcharge waivers.
