E-Commerce Contact Center Solutions for Businesses

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ECom Call Center Solutions

When the best and largest eCommerce companies fail to deliver as promised or desired, what do you do? You fret in frustration for a moment. And then look for the toll-free number. On dialing, you get directed to your destination. At the other end, there would either be a living person or a voice-activated system, both of which would record and analyze your grievance. They either give you a solution right away or hang up with a promise of resolution.

The other preferable alternatives, especially when using a PC or a notepad, are chatbots, Q&A forms, or emails to designated ID(s). You get a response either right away or in a promised time, or some cases, never. This depends upon the eCommerce company’s resourcefulness, systems, and objective.

Thank you !

We’ve received your request. We will contact you within 1 business day.

We’re Sorry

There is already an existing Lead with provided details. Please try after 24 hours.


Something went wrong.


Fill the form and we will contact you within 1 business day.

Error Message

Looking carefully, one can gauge that serving customers in the eCommerce space boils down to two actions. One is the storefront window in the form of the gadget screen, which doubles up as the information giver/ kiosk. The other is the service end (the eCommerce service end) which is taken care of by a call center. In this way, an eCommerce company grabs a customer with both hands. If both play their part well, it’s guaranteed that the customer would be delighted.

That said, an inadequately handled call center has all the makings of an incompetent e-commerce company. It’s the best example of over-committing and under-delivering. While most storefronts are great on UX-UI, the back-end is messy. It’s precisely to obviate the latter scenario that e-commerce companies deploy expert eCommerce call center solutions. These are taken care of by providers who specialize in offering such solutions. They have within their fold the best mechanisms, including data mining, analytics, and currently the use of AI.

How do E-Commerce Companies Benefit from Call Centers Solutions?

  • Specialization

Ironically, something that is so useful to the growth of e-commerce organizations is under-utilized to offer information about the consumer’s wants, needs, and pains. Even though neglecting customer pains and proposals can result in severe backlash, downsizing, and winding up of business. A specialist is often better equipped to handle customer experiences, feedback, and queries for smooth functioning.

  • Aware Customers

Customers today are fully aware of their needs and requirements. They don’t take up a service on the face value of it. They carefully weigh their options and then settle for the best. An amazing customer care service definitely adds brownie points to an organization. An organization that can address their concern at the right time and to their satisfaction wins hands down.

  • Varied Requirements

The clients and their needs also differ across industries, and accordingly, the solutions also differ. While some industries require a more personal and human touch, some can do with a bot. A FINTECH company has needs entirely different from healthcare, ed-tech, and others. The best eCommerce call centers guarantee seamless handling of customer needs across sectors.

  • Speed of set-up and execution

While taking up this point, we ought to take up the case of smaller and tiny eCommerce entities. They are often hard-pressed to divert their limited precious resources into customer query resolutions. Even so, they can be utilized to sell products and onboard more customers. It would thus take time for them to come at par with larger entities. Even for larger entities — with competition snapping at their heels — they would be fire-fighting on too many fronts before they can even think of profitability.

With trial and error being a luxury, turning to eCommerce call centers is a given for sheer survival and accelerated growth. A proper eCommerce call center accomplishes a lot — from higher call-connect rates to better understanding customer needs and grievances. Today’s eCommerce call centers take up a lot besides handling customer queries and grievances. Those dealing in the BFSI industry even take up onboarding and documentation besides handling pay-out issues that are typical to the likes of banks and insurance companies.

  • Advantages of Outsourcing

Setting up an eCommerce call-center ground-up is a tedious CapEx activity. It can affect profitability on many fronts, including straining finances and patience when employing one’s staff and resources. Imagine if the same could be off-loaded for equal (if not better) efficiency in an OPEX model. The entire monetary outgoing here can be claimed as a revenue expense. Win-Win!

  • Easy & confirmed resolution of problems

With specialists at hand, an eCommerce call center guarantees easy and confirmed resolution to customer issues and problems in almost all instances. Expecting the same with one’s in-house resources could initially be far-fetched, and with time, an uncalled diversion. The outsourced entities work on strict and clear deadlines and KRAs. This saves a lot of trouble and emotions that could unnecessarily come one’s way with in-house resources being employed in call-center activities.

  • Analytics

These days, most eCommerce call centers employ advanced AI-backed analytics systems that help eCommerce companies find meaning in every action of customers and clientele. An efficient eCommerce call center understands trends, predicts events, and suggests products according to calculated customer needs. This can help companies stay ahead of the curve.

What’s on the market in the field of eCommerce call centers?

Ecommerce call centers these days are much more than brick-&-mortar call centers. These change with the industry requirements. They are a mix of voice-based, omnichannel call centers, help desks, chatbots, cloud, and virtual centers. They also go to the extent of being complete customer enhancement platforms, handling issues beyond irate customers wanting a refund or replacement

Must Read: Omnichannel Marketing for Seamless Customer Experience

Besides being industry-specific, eCommerce call centers fashion themselves as per the type and size of the enterprise. They serve MNCs to microenterprises, including simple call centers, cloud-based remote centers, video and mobile-based call centers, and the likes. To get the right eCommerce call center, one ought to be clear about what one wants and the extent.

Summing up

Last but not least is the central role of the telecom service providers. After all, you aren’t going far with a call center that is difficult to call or access. It’s thus essential that the call center chosen has the backing of an efficient telecom service provider that sees to it that access is unhindered under any circumstances. One needs to be backed by a robust and reliable provider. Pick one with a proven success record that can quickly deliver services and provide solutions that inevitably boost the bottom line.

Going back to the beginning, it all starts with an irate customer. You could break off completely right there while running the risk of being labeled “incompetent and insensitive” all over social media. Or you could choose to build upon frayed bridges, making them strong as new, by using

the correct means and methods. The latter could bring expectedly unexpected results in the form of higher customer engagement and onboarding. And all this starts right there. At the Ecommerce call center! Connect with strategic partners who offer a myriad of tech solutions at one platform along with providing broadband services, and explore the benefits of eCommerce call center solutions.

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