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What is Web3 Technology & It’s Importance – Complete Guide

You have probably heard about terms like ChatGPT, metaverse, Web3 and similar products in the last couple of years. In fact, this technology has made some groundbreaking achievements and has become very significant. But what does one mean when they say Web3 technology? 

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In this blog, we will dive straight into what Web3 actually is, how it can shape the future, the applications of Web3 and more. 

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What does Web3 actually mean?

To understand Web3, it is important to first get a complete understanding of Web1 and Web2. When Web 1 came around, it was characterised by static web pages and basic HTML. As the world progressed, Web2 was developed and it started an era of user-generated content, epitomised by social media, e-commerce, and streaming platforms. With Web3, the promise is to provide a decentralised, user-centric internet experience for everyone.

At its core, Web3 technology revolves around decentralisation, interoperability, and data ownership. Unlike its predecessors where centralised entities controlled data and transactions, Web3 utilises blockchain technology to distribute these functions across a network of nodes, eliminating the need for intermediaries. This decentralised approach is essential because it helps in fostering trust and transparency, which are very important when it comes to digital interactions or transactions. 

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What are the applications of Web3?

The introduction of Web3 into our daily lives presents a whole host of opportunities that were previously considered impossible. Let’s take a look at some of the best applications of Web3 and how you too can make use of these:

Decentralising finance with Web3 technology

Web3 technology has now made blockchain transactions a reality. You can now perform seamless peer-to-peer transactions, lending, borrowing, and trading while ensuring transparency and security.

The rise of NFTs with Web3 technology

NFTs or Non Fungible Tokens are unique digital assets stored on blockchain. NFTs have exploded in popularity, revolutionising art, gaming, and entertainment industries. Web3 enables creators to tokenise their work, proving ownership and authenticity in a decentralised manner.

Decentralised Autonomous Organisations (DAOs) powered with Web3

DAOs utilise smart contracts to govern organisations without centralised management. Participants collectively make decisions, allocate resources, and execute tasks transparently and autonomously.

Web3 social networks 

Web3 is also actively pushing for the development of social networks that prioritise privacy, data ownership, and user control. These platforms empower users to monetise their data, engage in censorship-resistant communication, and build communities on their terms.

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Why should you learn Web3 skills?

As our world gets more entangled with Web3 technology, there are going to be more opportunities that open up in this sector. And as with every single industry, users such as you will have to be skilled enough to ensure that you can take a piece of cake of the Web3 technology.

Here are some reasons on why you should learn Web3 skills:

Future proof yourself with Web3

As Web3 applications become more common place, there will be an increasing demand for professionals with expertise in blockchain, smart contracts, and decentralised systems. Learning Web3 technologies equips you with skills that are likely to be in high demand in the job market of the future.

Learn how the future will work today with Web3

Web3 puts you in control of your digital identities, assets, and interactions. By understanding how to handle decentralised platforms and manage cryptographic keys, you can safeguard your privacy and assert ownership over personal data.

Fosters innovation 

Web3 technology presents plenty of opportunities for innovation across industries. Whether it’s disrupting traditional finance, transforming content creation, or reimagining governance structures, understanding Web3 opens doors to a brand new world for you. 

Improves your digital literacy

Web3 encourages critical thinking, digital literacy, and a deeper understanding of technology, that will power our future.

What are the best ways to learn more about Web3?

Learning Web3 can seem daunting, especially since it comes with a whole different jargon (such as bitcoin, blockchain, decentralised systems, etc.), but that should not be too difficult of a hurdle for you. Here are some of the various resources which you can use to kickstart your journey to learn more about Web3:

Online courses 

Platforms like Coursera and Udemy offer courses on blockchain, cryptocurrency, and Web3 development tailored to different skill levels.

Engage in online communities to learn about Web3

Joining online communities, forums, and social media groups dedicated to Web3 allows individuals to learn from peers, ask questions, and stay updated on the latest developments in the space.

Start getting actively involved with Web3

Experimenting with blockchain networks, deploying smart contracts, and interacting with decentralised applications (dApps) provides invaluable hands-on experience in understanding Web3 technology.

Web3 is still new, it remains to be seen where this technology takes us. But rest assured, the promises that Web3 holds for us in the future can prove to be huge. In addition, learning more about Web3 technologies will not only help you keep up with the times, but you will learn a fundamental technical skill at the same time.
