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landline vs wireless landline

Landline Vs Wireless Landline Connection – Comparison Guide

Long before, when mobile devices were not even a thing, landline connections held a special place in the heart of every household.

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Those late-night phone calls with your special someone, fighting with your siblings on who will get the landline first, and desperately waiting for that one phone call to hear the voice of your loved one, are some of the memories that every Generation X and millennials hold close to. No matter how nostalgic and overwhelming these memories sound, the comfort and convenience offered by modern landline connection is definitely something to vouch for! 

If you are someone who is not sure of which landline connections to invest in or you simply want to learn the differences between wired and non-wired landline connections, let us help you with all your concerns. 

Continue reading till the end to discover some of the interesting and never-known facts and differences between using wired and smart wireless landline phone connections. 

What is a landline?

The torchbearer of all phone connections, a landline is the oldest form of telephonic connection that allows users to transmit audio from one location to another. And the best part is, it doesn’t need WiFi signals or battery life to function or make calls. The device can transmit signals from audio data through physical media, pretty much the same as how modern mobile handsets function. 

On the other hand, phone services that allow a regular wired telephone to connect to a cellular network are known as wireless landline connections. These wireless connections need electricity or access points to function properly. Landline often provides clear audio quality and can be a reliable tool during power cuts or emergencies. 

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Comparison Between Landline and Wireless Landline Connections

Before investing in home appliances, it is vital to learn the major factors related to the functionality and accessibility of the appliances. This practice helps in making the right decisions and promotes functionality in your home or professional spaces. Let us now dive into some of the major differences between traditional and WiFi landline connections. 

  • Handset design:

One of the major differences between landlines and wireless landline phones is the handset design. The traditional landline requires physical infrastructure including, telephone lines, cables, and switching stations. In comparison, wireless landline phones may not require too much physical infrastructure and can operate on wireless towers or base stations to transmit signals between the user’s device and the telephone network. If you’re planning to go for Airtel’s landline connection, then you need to bear the expenses for the handset device, as Airtel will only provide you the modem.

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  • Mobility: 

Talking about mobility, the traditional landline doesn’t offer much mobility and flexibility to users. The device is typically fixed or attached to a specific location that cannot be easily moved to another place. Nevertheless, wireless connections are much more flexible and mobile to use. You can easily move the handset anywhere in your place within a certain range of the wireless base connection. This means you can take your landline device to your bedroom, drawing room, or do activities that involve movement all while talking through your wireless landline handsets. 

  • Installation process: 

The installation process of traditional landline devices can be a bit complex and time-consuming process. In fact, the installation process may not even be possible without the help of a technician. On the other hand, wireless landline connections can be set up more quickly and easily to the wireless base station or router. Users looking for faster and more convenient internet services, opt for long-term Airtel Fiber Internet plans and enjoy free installation services of ₹ 1500. The installation charges of ₹ 1500 will only be levied if users opt for 1-month internet plans and not long-term plans. 

  • Features 

Both traditional and wireless landline phones are used by users to connect and transmit audio from one location to another. However, the distinct features and accessibility offered by the two devices may differ significantly depending on the service provider, type of connection, technology advancement, and more. Wireless landlines offer features like data storage, voicemail, conference, and other more features. 

  • Reliability: 

When it comes to reliability, traditional or wired landline devices may stand out as the winning party. Traditional landline devices are considered more reliable, especially during power outages or emergencies since they don’t rely on electricity or WiFi signals to operate. However, it can be challenging to find wireless landline connections reliable during power cuts or emergencies as they rely heavily on backup sources including batteries, WiFi signals, and more to operate seamlessly. 

  • Cost: 

Lastly, the overall landline wireless phone prices can differ significantly compared to wired landline options. Specifically, discussing the overall cost of the Airtel landline connections, it may involve installation fees (if you opt for the monthly plan), monthly rental charges, call charges, and more. Check out the Airtel WiFi plans & offers to find the most suitable and fastest broadband connection for your personal and professional use. 

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In conclusion, choosing the best landline connection option may differ from user to user. It is best to invest in the type of landline devices that suit your needs, requirements, and preferences. But, when it comes to networking experiences, you should always choose a leading and trustworthy operator like Airtel. With Airtel Broadband, you can enjoy a fast and seamless networking experience all day long, every day without any hindrances. 
