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How to increase internet speed in mobile

How to increase or boost internet speed in mobile?

Picture this! Your favorite song is streaming through the speaker, about to reach its crescendo, and just as you’re belting out the high notes at the top of your voice- boom- radio silence- buffering, ugh!

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Internet buffering can be one of the most frustrating experiences ever. Hence, many people often look out for smart internet tips on how to improve mobile internet speed. In addition, we think that getting a Wi-Fi connection is so much better.

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In this article, we will help you understand why your mobile phone is slow and find out the easy tips on how to speed up your phone’s internet in detail below:

Why is your mobile phone slow?

 Slow or lagging internet is a familiar foe to any smartphone user, be it Android or iOS. It usually occurs due to the following reasons:

Multiple apps running in the background

Too many apps running on your data connection will result in speed reduction across the board. And the worst part? Even the fastest mobile data plans can’t keep up with dozens of tabs and background applications.

Poor connection

Large crowds often impact the signal traffic, slowing down the data speed and causing dropped calls and failed messaging.

Full cache

Here’s the thing. Your browser stores data in a cache, so you can easily load the websites you visit frequently. While it provides quick access to you, it also results in slow internet speed.

Network reset

Your mobile phone’s network settings can also be another reason for the internet slowdown. Why? These settings get mixed up easily. Hence, they result in the slowing down of your mobile internet.

Now that you know the many reasons for slow mobile internet, let’s proceed further to understand how to troubleshoot these issues and find out how to improve mobile internet speed in detail below:

How to boost mobile internet speed?

Clear your cache

When the cache memory is full, it will automatically slow down the ordinary speed of your mobile phone. Therefore, see to it that you regularly clear out the cache or download Smartphone Cleaner to completely optimize your cellular device and help you achieve the maximum internet speed on your mobile phone.

Close all the apps

While smartphones today can work just fine even with multiple apps running in the background, it might not be the case for your mobile internet. Why? The more apps you have running in the background, the slower your internet speed will be. So, the only thing left to do here is close some of the unwanted apps to improve the performance of your mobile internet speed.

Reset your network settings

This tip will boost the internet speed of your mobile phone. All you have to do is pick up your phone and go to settings. Select Mobile network → Mobile operator → Automatically → turn off. Once done, manually look for your operator and select the correct option that appears on your screen.

For the above steps to work, see to it that you set 4G or LTE Network on your phone with these steps mentioned below:

  • Go to ‘Settings’ and look for ‘Connections’
  • Select ‘SIM card manager’ and choose ‘Mobile network/data’
  • Press ‘LTE/3G/2G’

Turn off auto-update for your apps

App updates might quietly take place in the background but leave a long-lasting impact on your phones. They not only drain your phone’s battery but also the mobile internet speed. So, here’s your cue. Turn off the auto-updates and manually update them before you hit the bed so that you can wake up to a completely updated smartphone in the morning.

Switch carriers

It is possible that your current telecom operators could be the culprit. If you suspect that they are the problem, you can switch to a better provider in your area that offers strong signal at all times.

Enable wifi calling

Popular apps like Skype, Google Hangouts, Facetime, and WhatsApp use the wifi connections to make calls, send and receive texts so that you can bypass a potentially weak cell phone signal. You can also try out the Airtel wifi calling feature whenever your mobile network is down.

Check your Wifi Internet Speed with Airtel Internet Speed Test


Restart your mobile device

Sometimes, all it takes is a quick reboot to work out the kinks in an electronic device- even your mobile phone. So, try turning off your device and restarting. You can also consider switching your mobile phone to airplane mode for at least five seconds, then switch back.

In a nutshell, mobile data only works as fast as the device that’s receiving its signal. So, optimize your smartphone with software updates, switching carriers, and decluttering to ensure your device isn’t slowing down your data.

Once you’ve maximized the efficiency of your phone and chosen the best service provider like Airtel, the only method that will effectively amplify the signal is the 4G LTE booster. Also, you can try switching to a better wifi connection. Do have a look at the Airtel Xstream fiber wifi packages!
