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best time to upload reels on instagram

Best time to upload reels or photos on Instagram

A photo and video sharing social media networking site, Instagram is one of the largest and rapidly growing social platforms in the world with more than 1 billion active users on monthly basis. Since its initial release in the year 2010, it has garnered worldwide attention due to its user-friendly features and interface. That’s the reason it has become extremely popular amongst people across continents and has more than 70% of its users under the age of 35 years.

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Instagram has evolved with time and hence, it is no longer just a medium to communicate with friends and family and post your photos and videos. It has grown efficiently into an engaging site for building traffic, growing business, and more. Consequently, people are putting in great effort to get noticed. The question is if it’s easy to garner attention on social media platforms like Instagram that have users not in millions, but billions?

Well, the Instagram algorithm keeps changing with time, and hence, it gets too difficult to rank your page or account while following the same strategy. However, one thing that is of utmost importance while uploading photos or videos is time. Yes, the time when you are uploading your posts is crucial as it will decide the reach of your post. So, let’s go ahead and learn in detail about the best time to upload reels on Instagram, why use Airtel broadband to upload reels, and more.

When should I upload content on Instagram?

Well, there is no specific Instagram reels upload time as such as every account and business on the site has a niche to target. However, the best times when you can register the highest engagement rates are as follows:

On weekdays 

06:00 am to 09:00 pm

12:00 pm to 03:00 pm

05:00 pm to 06:00 pm

09:00 pm to 11:00 pm

On weekends 

09:00 am to 02:00 pm

09:00 pm to 11:00 pm

These are the time periods when most users are active on Instagram and hence, the chances of your posts grabbing eyeballs is relatively high. This is also the best time to upload reels on Instagram in India.

You can also use social media marketing tools to delve deep into Instagram analytics and understand in detail the best time to upload reels on Instagram and post videos and photos according to the region you live in and the audience you look forward to targeting.

Instagram insights and creator studio on the application are also helpful in providing you with relevant data.

How to upload reels on Instagram?

  • Open the Instagram app
  • Tap on the plus button at the top right corner and select “reel” from the drop-down menu
  • You can either shoot a video on the spot or upload a video from the gallery and add the required music and other effects
  • Click “Next” and add the caption, location, or tag people
  • Click “share”

How to maximize my reach on Instagram?

Reach is everything on social media platforms as it defines the progress of your account. The best ways to maximize your reach on Instagram after uploading reels or photos on Instagram include:

best time to upload reels on instagram

  • Using relevant hashtags
  • Posting at the right time when most of your audience is active
  • Adding call-to-action buttons in your posts
  • Going live or hosting contests
  • Posting interesting reels and videos
  • Using Instagram stories
  • Collaborating with other popular users
  • Curating user-generated content
  • Posting good content regularly
  • Checking Instagram insights and planning strategies accordingly

How does Broadband connection help in the uploads?

Nothing can be better than a broadband connection that provides you high-speed internet and thereby, allowing you to transfer and upload data in split seconds. You can use a Wi-Fi modem, fiber network, or Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) to avail lightning speed, great performance, reliability, and consistency without much interruption.

It will help you to download and upload files in no time and hence, you would be able to trace your Instagram reach in real time. Moreover, it is easy to upload reels or photos on Instagram with a good high-speed broadband connection. Airtel offers the best broadband service in the market and is known for providing a seamless internet experience.

Why you should choose Airtel Internet?

Airtel Xstream Fiber broadband connection comes with FiberNet technology, and hence, provides the users with an unprecedented Internet experience. The major reasons why you should opt for an Airtel Broadband connection are:

  • Get ultra-speed of up to 1 Gbps with unlimited data
  • Enjoy 24*7 internet availability and customer support
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  • Stream HD videos and have the best gaming experience
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  • Get free access to OTT apps like Netflix, Amazon Prime, and Disney + Hotstar
  • Experience almost no interruptions and technical glitches
  • You have plans starting from Rs 499 per month with unlimited data, unlimited calling, and access to several apps.

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