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Effective Tips on how to reduce your Mobile Phone Bill

Phone bill shock is a real thing! Many of the users often complain about high month-end mobile phone bills. If you wish to keep using the phone services, you need to pay your phone bills on time. Both data and talk time are essential in this online world.

If you are tired of receiving a high phone bill every month, there are few ways that can help you reduce your mobile bill.

Ways to reduce your mobile phone bill

We all want to stay connected to our loved ones. And yes, it is possible to do so in this online world at lower rates. All you need to do is make a few sensible choices.

The first one in the list is using Wifi more than mobile data.

Depend on wifi connection to reduce your mobile bill

If you are a person who likes to stream movies, watch live sports, or play online games, then having a good wifi connection at home is a must. All the above-mentioned online activities exhaust a lot of mobile data extremely fast.

Additionally, if you are updating a software or downloading a mobile app, switch to wifi connection to save on your mobile data. We all know that it’s the data usage which impacts the phone bill the most.

Rather than switching between mobile data and wifi, you can also tweak the settings in your phone to wait for a wifi connection for a software update, downloading of an app, or simple download of media on WhatsApp.

Keeping a track of your data usage

Another way to limit your data usage is by keeping a track of it. Often, users forget that they are streaming high-quality videos or online gaming on their mobile data. This leads to a bill shock at the end of the billing cycle.

In order to avoid that, you can set up mobile data limit in your phone. Both Android and Apple phones offer this feature. Go to the Settings of your phone and set a data limit according to your needs and preferences. If you are about to exhaust your limit, your phone will automatically send alerts to you. Many mobile devices also switch off the mobile data when the limit is hit.

You need to check if your mobile phone offers such a feature.

With this feature working for you, the mobile bill can be significantly reduced.

Go for a better plan

It can’t be said enough that you need to choose the right plan for your phone. Don’t just go for the first plan you see online or a mobile plan your friend suggested to you. Your data and talk time needs are different and unique. Understand your data usage pattern and go for a plan that offers exact or somewhere around that limit.

A smaller plan will not fulfill your data needs. The extra data you use will be added to your final bill resulting a bill shock for you. Whereas, choosing a plan that offers a lot of data is also a complete waste of money if you can’t utilize the same.

Therefore, you need to research extensively, understand your main areas of data usage, hours of talk time, and then decide on a plan. Do try this method to reduce your mobile bill gradually.

Note: Bundled plans offer more services for affordable prices. Do look into those plans.

Have a better understanding of phone bill

As mentioned above, having a thorough understanding of your data and talk time usage can really help you to reduce your mobile bill.

Many times, users overlook discrepancies in their phone bill. If you have a clear understanding about the data you consumed and how the rates are calculated, you can also double check the total often. If you do find discrepancies, cross check with your provider and sort it out. You can also raise an online complaint.

Limit the background usage on mobile apps

Many mobile applications use your mobile data even if you are not using the app. These apps get updated in the background or send you push notifications to grab your attention. The notifications or the software update also eat up a lot of your data.

You can change the settings in your phone.

Wrapping up

Given that most of the plans under prepaid or postpaid offer unlimited talk time, data becomes the factor which can increase or reduce your mobile bill. Study your data usage pattern, understand your data requirement, choose the right plan, tweak settings on your phone, and use wifi more to gradually reduce your mobile bill and avoid month end bill shock!

If you are an Airtel user, you can use the Airtel Thanks app to check the various plans for both prepaid and postpaid. The app allows you to pay for the recharge/bill using UPI, mobile wallet, credit/debit card, etc. Download the app to know more.
