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How to check FASTag balance online

How to check FASTag Balance – Airtel Thanks App

FASTag has been made mandatory for everyone. Doesn’t matter if you have a personal vehicle or a commercial one, you must have FASTag. In case you don’t have one, you will be fined. Therefore, it is important to check your FASTag balance regularly to ensure you are never fined or stopped while crossing a toll booth.

Almost all toll booths in India support FASTag. If you are a person who travels regularly, we suggest you check FASTag balance on daily basis. If you were still wondering how to check FASTag balance, fret not! We’re here to help. There are multiple ways for FASTag balance check online. We will discuss each one of them in detail further in this article.

Let’s get started.

Different Ways to check balance in FASTag?

  1. Via SMS
  2. From the official FASTag website
  3. Through their mobile application
  4. From email notification
  5. Call up the customer care number

1. How to Check FASTag balance via SMS

This is one of the easiest offline ways to check your FASTag balance. Usually, users receive an SMS with their recent tax deduction details on the registered mobile number. This SMS includes information about the amount deducted, date, etc. In addition to this, your updated FASTag balance is also included in the SMS.

  • Open the messaging or SMS box on your phone.
  • Head to the search bar in the SMS app and type in keywords like FASTag etc., to find the message. It is better to pin that message as and when you receive it.
  • Once you find the message, you can see the updated FASTag balance.

2. Check FASTag’s Balance from official website

You can also check your FASTag balance online right from your FASTag’s official website. Here’s how you can do the same:

  • Head to your FASTag issuer’s website.
  • Here, you need to login to your FASTag account.
  • You will see an option to check your FASTag balance. The steps might differ depending on the issuer.
  • You can also view your previous payments and complete statement here.

3. Check FASTag balance online using mobile application

You can also check your FASTag balance on a mobile application. It is extremely easy and accessible. However, you need a smartphone for the same.

  • Head to the App Store or Google Play Store to download the FASTag app on your smartphone.
  • Sign in using your mobile number and enter all the relevant details.
  • Once you are logged in, go through various menus in the app to check your FASTag balance.

4. Use your email notifications to check FASTag Balance

Similar to SMS alerts for FASTag, this method also makes it easy to check your FASTag balance. Whenever there is a deduction for your FASTag, NHAI sends notification about the same via an SMS and on your registered email address.

  • Head to the Gmail app or website on your phone or laptop.
  • Login using your credentials.
  • Look for a mail by NHAI. You can search for the same from the search bar.
  • Once you get the mail, go through its contents to know your FASTag balance.

Last, but not the least, if none of the above steps work, you can always reach out to the customer care for support.

5. Call up FASTag customer care to check balance

This is probably the easiest way to look for your FASTag balance.

  • Pick up your phone and dial +91-8884333331. This is a toll-free number for FASTag.
  • You don’t need to make a complete call. Just a missed call would be enough.
  • Remember, you need to use your registered mobile number for the missed call.
  • Once done, you will receive details about your FASTag account and its balance after the missed call.

If you are wondering how to find the FASTag balance using vehicle number, keep reading.

How to check FASTag balance with vehicle number?

Follow the below steps to find out your FASTag balance with just your vehicle number:

  • Download the My FASTag app on your phone from App Store or Google Play Store.
  • Login using your credentials.
  • Now, enter your vehicle number in the given space.
  • Once done, you can check the balance for the particular account.

While the above methods are decent, you might face some technical errors while checking your balance. You can always rely on the Airtel Thanks app to see your FASTag balance without any errors.

Related read: How to recharge FASTag with vehicle number?

FASTag balance check – Airtel Thanks app

Follow the below steps to check your balance:

  • Download the Airtel Thanks app.
  • Once logged in, head to the pay section within the app.
  • Tap on FASTag recharge.
  • Now choose your FASTag issuer from the drop-down.
  • Enter your vehicle registration number.
  • Hit on proceed.
  • Here, you can check your current balance and recharge your wallet easily.

We hope this detailed guide helped you. Stay tuned for more informative content with us.

Also read: How to recharge FASTag Online and Offline
