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What is a ‘flat white’? Google Doodle celebrates the coffee beverage

Have you ever noticed Google’s logo changing from time to time? It’s not just a random switch-up as there is often a fascinating reason behind it! On March 11, 2024, Google caught the attention of coffee enthusiasts and curious minds alike by dedicating its iconic doodle to a beverage known as the Flat White. Now, you must be wondering, what’s so special about this coffee, and why did Google decide to shine a spotlight on it? 

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Let’s delve deeper into the aromatic world of coffee culture and the intriguing stories behind Google Doodles to uncover the significance of this celebration.

What is a Flat White?

A Flat White is a popular coffee drink that originated in Australia or New Zealand, depending on who you ask. A Flat White is not just your average cup of joe; it’s a beloved creation with roots tracing back to Australia or New Zealand, depending on the coffee folklore you follow. It is made with espresso and steamed milk, but what sets it apart is the velvety texture and the absence of thick foam you would find in a cappuccino. Instead, it has a thin layer of micro foam, giving it a smooth and creamy taste. This results in a beverage that caresses the palate with its creamy smoothness, inviting you to savour each sip. All the coffee lovers out there – did you get allured right away?

The History of the Flat White

The Flat White’s story is a bit like remembering an old tale your grandmother narrated to you once. Some say, it began in Australia back in the 1980s, while others claim it was born in New Zealand. But no matter where it originated from, people fell in love with it pretty quick! Soon, coffee shops all over the place were making it, and it became a real hit. Its journey from a local favourite to a worldwide sensation shows just how much people adore its smooth, creamy taste!

What is Google Doodle?

Now, let’s talk about Google Doodle. You must have probably noticed that sometimes when you visit Google’s homepage, the logo looks different. That’s a Google Doodle! It’s a temporary modification of the Google logo to celebrate holidays, anniversaries, and notable people, events, and achievements. This year on 11th March, it celebrated “Flat White”. Wondering why? Well, let’s find out.

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Why Did Google Doodle Celebrate the Flat White?

Google’s decision to celebrate the Flat White on March 11, 2024, was not just anything random; it was rooted in a significant linguistic milestone: the addition of the term “flat white” to the Oxford English Dictionary in 2011. Yes! Google Doodle celebrated “Flat White” to commemorate its inclusion to the dictionary.

The inclusion of “flat white” in one of the most prestigious dictionaries in the world marked a recognition of the drink’s cultural significance and widespread popularity. It solidified Flat White’s place not only in coffee culture but also in the lexicon of the English language. By commemorating this event with a Google Doodle, Google honoured not just the Flat White itself but also the evolution of language and the role of coffee in our daily lives. It is now a testament to how something as simple as a cup of coffee can transcend its origins and become a global phenomenon.

The Flat White’s journey from a humble coffee concoction to a recognized term in the Oxford English Dictionary is a story of cultural exchange and globalization. It is a reminder of the interconnectedness of our world and the way in which everyday objects can shape our shared language and experiences. Through its Doodle, Google celebrated not just a drink but also the power of words to reflect our collective identity and the diverse tapestry of human culture. It’s a nod to the Flat White’s journey from the cafes of Australia and New Zealand to the pages of one of the most respected dictionaries in the world.

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So, the next time you sip on a Flat White, take a moment to appreciate not just the taste but also the rich history and linguistic significance behind this beloved coffee beverage. Cheers to the Flat White, and cheers to the ever-evolving nature of language and culture!

Moreover, as we reflect on the global impact of the Flat White, it’s worth noting how technology and telecommunications have played a role in spreading its popularity. Just as Google’s Doodle brings attention to cultural milestones, Airtel’s broadband services have connected coffee enthusiasts from different corners of the globe. Whether sharing brewing tips online or chatting over a cup in a local café, Airtel plans have facilitated connections and fostered communities around our shared love for coffee.

