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Assets Based Loan: Meaning, Types and Process

If you are planning to start a business or your business is growing, then this blog is for you. Asset based loans are also known as ABLs. Asset based lending is the use of a company’s balance sheet assets, such as short-term investments, inventories, and accounts receivable, to borrow money or secure a loan. The corporation borrowing the cash must grant the lender a security interest in the assets. Let’s dive more into this topic.

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What is an asset-based Loan?

Asset backed loan is the practice of making a loan against assets. An asset-based loan can be secured by inventory, accounts receivable, equipment, or other property owned by the borrower. The asset-based lending market mostly services businesses, not consumers. It is sometimes referred to as asset-backed finance.

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How does an asset-based loan work?

Many companies or businesses often take out loans or get lines of credit to satisfy their regular cash flow requirements. A company may establish a line of credit to ensure that it can fund payroll obligations even if payments are delayed.

If the business requesting the loan cannot show sufficient cash flow or cash assets to support the loan, the lender may offer to sanction the loan using its physical assets as collateral. For example, a new showroom may be able to receive a loan only by using its equipment as collateral. Lenders may need a negative pledge clause or covenant as part of the loan. This provision prevents the borrower from using the pledged asset for another loan. 

The terms and conditions of an asset-based loan are determined by the type and value of the assets used as collateral. Lenders usually favour highly liquid collateral, such as securities that can easily be turned into cash if the borrower fails to make payments. Loans secured by physical assets are regarded as riskier. Therefore, the maximum loan amount will be significantly less than the assets’ value. Interest rates vary greatly based on the applicant’s credit history, credit score, cash flow, and period in business. There is no set monthly payback plan for your loan. You pay back to release a piece of your collateralised goods as needed, and you may pick how much you wish to pay.

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Eligibility of asset based loans

Asset rich businesses that require considerable capital to run and develop, notwithstanding fluctuations in cash flow, are ideally eligible for asset based loans. You must prove that you have sold any stock or products used as security for a loan. It demonstrates that your income stream is consistent enough to meet monthly facility expenses. The required financing amount must be equal to the value of the borrower’s assets plus money to cover fees connected with transforming assets into liquid capital. Lenders also check your business’s financial history during their due diligence inspections of the borrower.

The eligibility criteria also depend on your business’s credit score, creditworthiness, business’s financial health, and cash flow.

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Common types of assets based loans

Here is the list of common types of asset-based loans-

  • Loans against vehicles
  • Loans against valuables (such as gold)
  • Loans against residential or commercial properties
  • Loans against securities such as shares, bonds, mutual funds, employee stock option plans
  • Loans against investments (such as Fixed Deposits)
  • Loans against insurance policies

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Features of asset based loans

Let’s check some of the features of asset-based loans-

  • Flexible Loan Amounts: The loan amount varies based on the nature and value of the assets provided as collateral.
  • Collateral-Based: Asset-based loans are secured loans, which means that the pledged assets act as collateral for the financing.
  • Working Capital: These loans are frequently used to provide working capital, assist business expansion, and fund different operational requirements.


Asset-based loans provide a beneficial financing alternative for your business by allowing them to leverage their assets to get much-needed funding. Asset-based financing is a fantastic choice for businesses seeking capital. You may use this money to get merchandise, develop your firm, or cover operating expenses. These loans are particularly beneficial for businesses with significant assets and may be used for a variety of business purposes. Business owners must carefully check the conditions, risks, and possible benefits of asset-based loans, as well as have a clear plan for how the money will be used to accomplish their business objectives and financial success.

While you have understood what an asset-based loan is, you may also want to check out Personal Loans from Airtel Flexi Credit that offer loans instantly with an easy process.
