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Discover Airtel Thanks for the latest updates

Explore Airtel Thanks App Discover section

We are currently living in the most advanced part of the human civilisation, and yet our lives have been busier than ever. With many responsibilities and so much to do, there is less time to be aware of what’s currently going on around the world. We have to manage our professional lives, personal lives and more. Amidst all this, catching up on the day’s news, latest discoveries and others takes a backseat. Well now, that would not be a problem anymore! With the help of the Discover Airtel Thanks feature, you will always stay updated!

What is there in Airtel Thanks discover section?

The Airtel Thanks discover section covers a wide range of topics. Starting from Bollywood to the latest OTT platforms showcasing newly released movies, to new places you can visit, historical facts, figures and more. To cut it short, there is a lot of information that you can get from the Airtel Thanks discover feature. You can use discover section for latest news in the app.

Read news and trending stories in the Discover section

The biggest benefit of the Airtel Thanks discover page is that the news or information is presented in the form of infographics. Basically, you get short texts along with images that provide you better context. Therefore, it has been designed keeping in mind that time is valuable for you. Moreover, the news is separated into multiple sections, which makes it easier for the reader as well. Usually containing 6 sub-sections to the story, the readers can easily go back and forth within a certain part to get further clarity on the topic.

It also helps that this section covers a broad range of topics. You will never really get bored when you are using the discover Airtel Thanks feature. Frankly, we find it quite amazing to use and we think that you would love to get your daily dose of news from this section.

How to open Airtel Thanks discover feature?

Follow these steps to open the Discover page and use discover section for latest news on your Airtel Thanks:

  1. Well, it goes without saying that the first step is to download the Airtel Thanks app on your smartphone.
  2. Once the app has been downloaded, open it. If this is the first time you have got the app, you will be asked to enter your details and login using your phone number.
  3. After all the formalities are completed, you will see the Airtel Thanks home page.
  4. Now, look at the bottom of the screen. You will see different tabs, named as ‘Manage, Pay, Shop, Discover, and Help’. Click on Discover.
  5. The Discover page will open for you. Now, managing the Discover tab is quite easy as well.
  6. If your story has multiple parts, then tap on the right portion of your screen to proceed. If you think you have missed out on a certain part, then tap on the left to go back.
  7. If you have finished reading the current piece, then scroll down. A fresh piece of news or informative page will open for you.
  8. Furthermore, there are also pages that present images of historical artefacts. If these things catch your interest, then you can click on the ‘Discover More’ section at the bottom of the page. Clicking on it, will take you to a page where you will get even more information about the historical artefacts.

That’s all! Now you will understand why the Discover Airtel Thanks feature is unique enough. In addition to all these, you should also remember that this feature is applicable to all. You need not be an Airtel customer to avail the benefits of Discover Airtel Thanks. It is open for all.

Additional features and benefits of Airtel Thanks

Discover Airtel Thanks is not the only benefit of having the Thanks app. There’s much more to it. You can use the app to make instant online payments and for all your 4G mobile recharge needs. Furthermore, it is also an excellent mobile wallet app, which lets you send money to your friends or family members, whenever they need it. Plus, it also provides a cashless platform to you, for making online transactions which means, it also reduces your dependency on having to visit ATMs all the time. To make it short, it is one app that makes everything streamlined for you. You also get a wide range of offers and benefits that make using the app even more lucrative.

To use the Discover option in Airtel Thanks and benefit from the other offers, get the app today! Use the discover section for latest news’ every day.
