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Days Past Due (DP)

Days Past Due (DPD) in CIBIL Report

Taking a credit loan is one thing, but maintaining your credit score, Days Past Due report, and more, is one thing. Failing to meet your credit score, payment due dates, and other crucial aspects related to your personal loan, can significantly affect your CIBIL report and future chances to acquire credit or personal loan for various reasons. 

One such crucial factor associated with your CIBIL resort is the Days Past Due (DPD) section. DPD in CIBIL is primarily responsible for offering an overview of your credit payment behaviour. Based on this report, your future loan processing, credit score, and more are determined. 

If this is your first time applying for credit funds or you are looking for ways to learn more about what Days Past Due (DP) in CIBIL means, this blog can help you in several ways. So, ensure to stick around till the end! 

Also Read: Ways to check your credit score online – Detailed guide

What Does Days Past Due (DP) in CIBIL mean? 

As mentioned above, the DPD full form in CIBIL is Days Past Due which serves as a snapshot in your credit payment behaviour, highlighting credit durations in which a loan EMI or Credit Card Payments exceeds its due date. The report indicates the potential defaults or delays that occurred during the time of payment. 

It is important to understand, that the lower the DPD values, the more beneficial it is for your credit profile. High DPD values can negatively impact your credit report, eventually affecting your potential to get a loan or credit funds from external sources. 

Suppose you are looking for a high-credit personal loan, with flexible EMIs and tenure, 24-hour credit disbursal, low interest rates, and 100 digital processes. In that case, Airtel Personal Loan is the excellent available option for you! Explore the website to learn more about instant personal processes with Airtel. 

Also Read: How to check CIBIL score with Aadhaar Card?

How Does DPD impact your CIBIL score? DPD impact your CIBIL score

Regular delays in payments can have a detrimental effect on your credit score. Here’s how different DPD statuses impact your credit health: 

  • Loan rejection: 

When it comes to acquiring credit funds, many loan lenders may reject your loan application if they see a pattern of delayed payments in your DPD history. A clean payment history, timely EMI payments, and a high credit score play a vital role in the overall personal loan process

  • High interest rates:

For people with high DPD values, even if your loan is approved, your application may be subject to higher interest rates. This means you might have to pay a sum of higher interest compared to other applicants with similar loan amounts and turnover periods but with low DPD values. Hence, it is important to maintain a good DPD history to earn fair interest rates. 

  • Lower credit limits: 

In most cases, credit card issuers can reduce your credit limit in the context of a high DPD in your CIBIL report. Hence, reducing the financial flexibility and ability to reap the maximum benefits of high-credit loans. At Airtel Finance, we customisable personal loan offers to help you select the most suitable tenure time so that all your finances are always in check and you don’t have to worry about high DPD values or missing on your payment cycle. Download the Airtel Thanks App today and get yourself registered for high credit instantly. 

  • Difficulty in getting future credit:

A consistently high DPD can create long-term obstacles in obtaining credit in the future. Most lenders in extreme cases can reject your application or delay the application process. To avoid unwanted inconveniences, most lenders prefer applicants who have good credit scores, less DPD values, and qualify for other set criteria for high-credit personal loans. 

Tips To Maintain A Good DPD Status

  • Plan your finances to ensure you have enough funds to meet all your financial obligations.
  • Only borrow what you can afford to repay. Avoid taking on excessive debt that could lead to payment difficulties.
  • Mark your calendar with payment due dates or set up automatic payments to avoid missing deadlines.
  • Having an emergency fund can help you manage unexpected expenses without affecting your ability to make timely payments.

Also Read: Easy Steps to Check CIBIL Score Online Without PAN Card

Understanding what DPD in CIBIL means and the significance of maintaining a good DPDP score is essential for maintaining good financial health. To mitigate the effects of high DPD, make timely payments, communicate with lenders, and consider seeking professional help if needed. Regularly monitor your CIBIL report and adopt responsible financial habits to maintain a favourable DPD status.

By being proactive and managing your debts wisely, you can ensure that your credit report remains healthy, thereby improving your chances of securing credit when you need it most. Don’t forget to browse the Airtel Finance webpage to learn more about the application process or register with Airtel for high-credit personal loans instantly using your mobile devices.
