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Kisan Credit Helpline Number for All Banks

In the vast landscape of Indian agriculture, the Kisan Credit Card (KCC) scheme has emerged as a crucial tool for farmers. However, navigating the intricacies of this financial instrument can be a challenge. That’s where the Kisan Credit Card helpline comes in. 

Overview of Kisan Credit Card Scheme

Launched in 1998, the KCC scheme provides affordable credit for farmers. It aids in their farming activities, from buying seeds to machinery, ensuring they can continue their farming operations without financial constraints. 

While we’re discussing credit cards, let’s look at another beneficial financial tool – the Airtel Axis Bank Credit Card. It comes with features like a higher credit limit and significant annual savings. The process is 100% digital, with low joining and annual fees, ensuring a seamless experience for users. 

Also Read: Generate Credit Card Pin

The Need for a Kisan Credit Helpline

The Kisan Credit Card helpline number is a vital support system for farmers seeking guidance on their KCCs. It offers instant, reliable information, ensuring that farmers can make the most of their KCCs, from understanding credit card interest rates to resolving issues. 

The Role of Kisan Credit Helpline in Financial Inclusion

The Kisan Credit Card (KCC) helpline is a critical component in the financial inclusion strategy in India, specifically aimed at uplifting the vast farming community by making banking and financial services widely available, affordable, and comprehensible. 

The helpline acts as a robust support system that bridges the gap between the agrarian community and the banking sector. It provides farmers with a platform to acquire information, seek guidance and resolve doubts about financial products, services, and processes, particularly those related to the Kisan Credit Card scheme. 

This scheme provides farmers with timely and affordable credit, thus enabling them to meet the comprehensive credit requirements of farming, allied activities, and household needs. The KCC helpline, by providing clarity and assistance, empowers the farming community to effectively utilize the benefits of this scheme. It demystifies the complexities of the banking sector, thus increasing financial literacy among farmers. 

Consequently, it paves the way for their active participation in the financial system. This leads to improved productivity, increased income, and enhanced living standards for farmers, all of which are the ultimate goals of financial inclusion. Therefore, the Kisan Credit Card helpline plays a crucial role in fostering financial inclusion in the rural and agrarian landscapes of the country.

Also Read: Earn a 25% discount on your Airtel bills with the Airtel Axis Bank Credit Card

Contact Information for Kisan Credit Helpline by Bank

While we have mentioned the contact numbers for different banks, here is the contact information of Kisan Credit Helpline for everyone’s reference: 

Toll-Free Kisan Credit Card Helpline Number: 1800-115-526

Tolled PM Kisan Credit Card Helpline Number: 0120-6025109/155261


One can also email them for online queries – pmkisan-ict@gov.in

Here are the Kisan Credit Card helpline numbers for various banks:

State Bank of India (SBI): The SBI Kisan Credit Card helpline number is always at our service, assisting farmers in navigating their KCC-related queries. One can either get in touch with the Kisan Credit Card Helpline or get in touch with the SBI customer care helpline service – 1800-11-2211 (toll-free), 1800-425-3800 (toll-free) or 080-26599990.

Punjab National Bank (PNB): The PNB Kisan Credit Card helpline is available round the clock, offering support and guidance to farmers. Here is the 24 hour customer help line number 1800 180 2345 or 0120 – 4616200 for any queries. 

ICICI Bank: The ICICI Kisan Credit Card customer care number is easily accessible for KCC holders, ensuring they get the help they need – 1800 102 012 39 and one can also visit the nearest branch for more information and assistance. 

HDFC Bank: HDFC Bank’s Kisan Credit Card contact number is ready to assist farmers with their KCC-related issues. One can make a quick call to HDFC Bank Customer Care Numbers in India – 1800 1600 / 1800 2600 (Toll Free) or visit the nearest branch for guidance. 

Also Read: Here’s How You Can Check Cash Limit in a Credit Card

How to Use the Kisan Credit Helpline 

The Kisan Credit Card helpline is simple to use. Just dial the helpline number, follow the automated instructions, and get connected to a customer service representative who can assist you with your queries.

One can also visit all the different bank branches their cards Kisan credit cards are affiliated with for further assistance if the queries don’t get addressed over the phone or email. 

Tips for Effectively Using Kisan Credit Helpline

To make the most of the Kisan Credit Card helpline, we must keep our KCC details handy before dialling the number. We need ot be clear and concise with our query and step-by-step help the representative in understanding our queries without panicking. 

In conclusion, the Kisan Credit Card helpline is a lifeline for farmers, providing them with the support they need to effectively use their KCCs. From the SBI Kisan Credit Card helpline number to the ICICI Kisan Credit Card customer care number, these helplines are crucial in ensuring that the benefits of the KCC scheme reach the farmers effectively. With such resources at their disposal, Indian farmers can continue to cultivate success, one crop at a time.
