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What Is Satellite TV & How Does It Work – Airtel Digital TV

The DTH connection has revolutionised the way we watch TV at home. We now have 4K quality images and crystal clear sounds on our TV sets, but how does this entire system come together? So, that brings us to the question – what exactly is a satellite TV? How does a satellite TV work? 

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In this blog, we will help you discover what is it that makes a satellite TV click for the viewers.

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What is Satellite TV?

Satellite TV, also known as direct broadcast satellite (DBS) television, is a method of delivering television programming to viewers via signals transmitted from communication satellites orbiting the Earth. 

Unlike traditional terrestrial or cable television systems, Satellite TV relies on a network of satellites and ground-based infrastructure to broadcast content directly to satellite dishes installed at subscribers’ premises. This enables viewers to access a wide range of channels and services with enhanced coverage and flexibility.

How Does Satellite TV Work?

At its core, Satellite TV operates on a simple yet sophisticated principle of signal transmission and reception. Here’s a step-by-step breakdown of how Satellite TV works:

Broadcasting Content via Satellite TV

 Television programming, including channels, movies, and other content, is produced, and encoded at broadcasting stations or studios located on Earth.

Transmission to Satellites

 The encoded signals are transmitted from the broadcasting stations to communication satellites orbiting in space. These satellites, positioned in specific orbits known as geostationary orbits, receive and amplify the signals before retransmitting them back to Earth.

Read more: How to check for Airtel DTH signal frequency in my area? 

Reception by Satellite Dishes

At the viewer’s end, a satellite dish installed outdoors intercepts the signals transmitted by the satellites. The satellite dish, also referred to as a satellite antenna, consists of several key components that work together to capture and focus the incoming signals.

Satellite Dish Components

  • Parabolic Reflector: The dish-shaped reflector serves as the primary element of the satellite dish, collecting and concentrating incoming signals onto a smaller area known as the focal point.
  • LNB (Low-Noise Block Downconverter): Located at the focal point of the parabolic reflector, the LNB is responsible for capturing and amplifying the incoming signals. It also performs the critical function of converting the high-frequency microwave signals received from the satellite into lower-frequency electrical signals that can be transmitted via coaxial cables.
  • Feedhorn: The feedhorn is a horn-shaped structure attached to the LNB, which helps direct the signals towards the LNB for processing.
  • Mounting Bracket: The mounting bracket secures the satellite dish to a fixed position, typically mounted on rooftops, walls, or poles for optimal signal reception.

Signal Processing and Decoding

The electrical signals received by the LNB are transmitted via coaxial cables to a satellite receiver or set-top box (STB) connected to the viewer’s television. The satellite receiver decodes and demodulates the signals, separating the audio and video components and processing them into a format compatible with the television.

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Displaying Content

The decoded content is then displayed on the viewer’s television screen, allowing them to enjoy a wide range of channels and programming with exceptional clarity and quality.

In conclusion, satellite TV represents a remarkable feat of technology that has revolutionised the way we access and experience television programming. By harnessing the power of satellites and sophisticated ground-based infrastructure, satellite TV delivers a vast array of channels and content directly into our homes with unparalleled convenience and flexibility. 

As we continue to explore the boundless possibilities of Satellite TV, we gain a deeper appreciation for the ingenuity and innovation that have made this modern marvel possible. So, the next time you tune in to your favourite channel, take a moment to marvel at the wonders of satellite TV and the incredible journey that brings entertainment from the stars to your screen.

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