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Visa-Free Countries for Indian Passport Holders

Visas are an essential piece of documents that are important for all international travellers. However, there is a small catch. Not all countries need their international visitors to carry a visa. Now, whether you need a visa to visit a country or not depends on the passport that you are holding. If you are holding an Indian passport and wish to visit a few countries that don’t need a visa, then there is good news. There are plenty of countries all around the world that offer either no visa, an e-visa or a visa on arrival for Indian passport holders. 

Let us take a look at some of these countries and how you can plan your next trip to these unexplored regions. 

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What is visa-free travel?

Visa-free travel is the ability to visit a foreign country without having to obtain a visa in advance. This means that you can simply board a plane or boat to the country and enter upon arrival. Visa-free travel is typically available to citizens of countries that have signed bilateral agreements with each other.

It is extremely beneficial when two countries have a visa-free arrangement. The biggest benefit is that travelling to these countries is easy and way more comfortable as compared to a country with strict visa regulations. Moreover, the entire process of applying for a visa and getting accepted can be time-consuming. In addition, many times, visas get rejected for a variety of reasons. 

Visa-free travel ensures that travellers can stay away from all the obstacles of a visa and other documentation necessities that are needed. 

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What are the entry requirements for visa-free countries from India?

Entry requirements of no-visa can usually vary from one country to another. Here’s the list:


  • 90 days stay
  • Passport, proof of itinerary and proof of funds 


  • 14 days stay
  • Valid passport, travel insurance, proof of accommodation
  • Entry permit costs ₹1,200 per person per night


  • 6 months stay
  • A return ticket

El Salvador

  • 90 days stay
  • Valid passport, proof of funds, return ticket


  • 30 days stay
  • Valid passport


  • Maximum stay for 90 days
  • Valid passport


  • 90 days stay
  • Valid passport, proof of accommodation, return ticket


  • 3 months stay
  • Valid passport, return ticket, sufficient funds for trip and accommodation


  • 1-month stay
  • Valid passport, return ticket, proof of accommodation


  • 14 days stay
  • Valid passport, return ticket, proof of funds


  • 30 days stay
  • Valid passport, return ticket


  • 90 days
  • Valid passport, return ticket


  • 1-month stay
  • Valid passport, return ticket, sufficient funds for trip and accommodation


  • 90 days stay
  • Valid passport, photograph, sufficient funds during stay, return ticket

Palestinian territories

  • 90 days stay
  • Valid passport, photograph, sufficient funds during stay, return ticket


  • 90 days stay
  • Valid passport, photograph, proof of accommodation, return ticket


  • 90 days stay
  • Valid passport, photograph, sufficient funds, proof of accommodation, return ticket

St. Kitts & Nevis

  • 90 days stay
  • Valid passport

St. Vincent & the Grenadines

  • 30 days stay
  • Valid passport, return ticket, accommodation proof

Trinidad & Tobago

  • 90 days stay
  • Valid passport, photograph, sufficient funds, proof of accommodation, return ticket


  • 30 days stay
  • Valid passport, photograph, sufficient funds, proof of accommodation, return ticket


What should I bring when travelling to a visa-free country? 

Travelling to a visa-free country seems like an exciting opportunity! However, it must be noted that you get the documents right, even though there is no visa. Here is what you should bring along: passport, passport-size photos, return ticket, accommodation proofs, proof of sufficient funds to cover your trip expenses, travel insurance, vaccination certificate and definitely, the local currency. 

What should I expect when I reach the immigration zone?

Here’s what you can expect at the immigration zone: passport checks, extra questions, biometric tests, health check-ups, customs declarations, and an entry stamp.

Do remember that every country in the world has its own set of ways. Make sure to get in touch with the local branch of the Indian embassy to get a better idea.

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