Safeguard digital assets from unauthorized access and prevent data breaches with Airtel WAAP

    Airtel WAAP secures your data to protect your business without slowing it down. With an end-to-end observability, enterprises are now able to safeguard themselves in multiple environments irrespective of where their data exists.

    Securely manage web apps across multiple environments

    • Enterprises host applications in multiple environments like outsourced data centers, public or private cloud to ensure business continuity.
    • A unified security portal to evaluate and protect your business from all kinds of attack vectors.
    waap security

    Easily manage your WAAP Security on the go

    • Equipped with a specially certified workforce to manage your WAAP Security.
    • Fully managed services to manage security for your apps and APIs while you can focus on other things.
    waap solutions

    Exclusive features of Airtel WAAP security

    • OWASP Protection

      OWASP protection

      Safeguarding your applications and APIs against OWASP's top 10 vulnerabilities and more.

    • API Security

      API security

      Securing both documented and undocumented APIs, including the discovery and protection of undisclosed APIs across the entire API ecosystem.

    • Bot Protection

      Bot protection

      Identifying and distinguishing between legitimate and malicious bot traffic, effectively mitigating harmful bot activity.

    • Layer 7 DDoS Protection

      Layer 7 DDoS protection

      Defending against application layer DDoS attacks from various attack vectors.

    Impact delivered with Airtel WAAP security

    • 99.99%

      network uptime

    • Layer 7

      DDoS protection

    Security products designed to transform your business

    DDoS Security

    Ensure business continuity and beat DDoS attacks in real time. Learn More

    Secure Internet

    Increased network security for assured business continuity. Learn More


    Monitor your business 24x7 for cyber risks. Learn More

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    Airtel Business solutions?

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