Product-wise performance

Mobile Services

  • Bundled plans with unlimited voice packs
  • First to launch 4G in India
  • Postpaid plans
    • Myplan - customised plans as per customer usage
    • Infinity - Options with unlimited benefits
  • Pocket-friendly data packs
  • Recognised as the smartphone network

Mobile India (` Mn)

  • 2,27,734
  • 5,65,511
  • 2017
  • 2,19,387
  • 5,60,638
  • 2016
Y-o-Y Revenues 1%

Mobile Africa* (USD Mn)

  • 859
  • 3,568
  • 2017
  • 667
  • 3,448
  • 2016
Y-o-Y Revenues 3%
  EBITDA 29%

* on constant currency, 15 countries operations



  • Attractive plans and offers
  • Highly reliable services
  • 24/7 online support
  • Value-added services


  • Introduced ‘V-Fiber’ technology
  • Up to 100 Mbps speed
  • 12,998
  • 27,518
  • 2017
  • 10,648
  • 25,066
  • 2016
Y-o-Y Revenues 10%
  EBITDA 22%

Digital TV

  • Android TV
  • Universal Remote
  • MyPlan Customised
  • Interactive services
  • 12,219
  • 34,306
  • 2017
  • 9,976
  • 29,178
  • 2016
Y-o-Y Revenues 18%
  EBITDA 22%

Airtel Business

  • Diverse portfolio of services - voice, data, video, network integration, data centres, managed services, enterprise mobility applications and digital media
  • Strategically located submarine cables and satellite network
  • Global network running across 250,000 Rkms, covering 50 countries and 5 continents
  • 33,884
  • 1,09,429
  • 2017
  • 30,327
  • 96,993
  • 2016
Y-o-Y Revenues 13%
  EBITDA 12%

Tower infrastructure

  • One of the world’s largest passive infrastructure providers
  • Over 90,646 towers (including proportionate share of Indus)
  • 29,177
  • 60,829
  • 2017
  • 26,196
  • 55,589
  • 2016
Y-o-Y Revenues 9%
  EBITDA 11%

Revenue Mix FY2016-17