Explore Airtel

    Board of Directors

    The Board of Directors of the Company guides, oversees and monitors strategy, performance and governance. The Board establishes the governance architecture in consonance with the highest standards and owns a fiduciary responsibility to ensure that the Company’s actions and objectives are aligned to sustainable growth and long term value creation. The Board is led by the Chairman who is responsible for encouraging and nurturing a robust Board culture.

    Apart from shaping the long-term vision, the Board exercises independent judgement in overseeing management performance against defined goals and strategy on behalf of the shareholders and other stakeholders and hence, plays a vital role in the oversight and management of the Company.

    Board Composition
      Executive Directors (2)
      Non-Executive Non-independent Directors (3)
      Independent Directors (5)
    Board Gender Diversity
      Men (7)
      Women (3)
    The profiles of the Board members comprising their name, designation, qualification, domain knowledge, expertise and working experience etc. are as under:
    Code of Conduct

    applicable to Directors and Senior Management of the company

    Terms and Conditions

    of appointment of Independent Directors